Chapter 13 - City Above

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Chapter 13

City Above

- They came together, a scattered remnant, to build a new home -

The platform was wide. Very wide. Like a shiny flat tile of black silver that almost blinded the eyes if one stared too long, it stretched across for miles into the distance, continuing into the horizon where the sun lay hidden behind the clouds. Thick railings, light from the surroundings glinting off their edges, surrounded the edge of the platform. Thonavar gazed at the massive shape floating in the air before him in wonder. It was the biggest thing he had ever seen.

"We call it a platform. It is a large flat vehicle that floats using hovercraft technology. Think of it as a giant...floating road", said Felix Vanyaga, as he tried to describe it to the wide-eyed Thonavar.

"A road?" said Thonavar quizzically.

Felix chuckled. "You will see what I mean."

Thousands of people stood upon the platform for as far as the eye could see. They stood around at various points, dressed in long elegant flowing robes denoting their group and role. From the color of their robes and the sigils and crests imprinted on their robes, Thonavar made out the various groups and sub-groups that comprised the populace of HavenGuarde. Of those that were standing upon the platform, there were primarily people from the professions.

The professions comprised occupational sub-groups such as engineers, scientists, educators, investigators, wardens and etc, with each role bearing their own dark colour - green, red, dark blue, purple and etc. The very best students from Newton college studied extremely hard in hopes that, one day, they might rise to City Above as a professional.

Then, though a rarer sight, there were the officials who wore dark gold robes. These comprised high-ranking individuals who formed part of the lower tiers of government. There were adjudicators, governors, messengers, advisors and etc.

Then there was a distinct category called the nobles.

The individuals who comprised this group wore striped robes of silver and had special status simply because they were very wealthy and influential in city above. Thonavar had not seen the colors of a noble yet.

If anything, thought Thonavar, nobles, wealthy as they are, would not care to stand the inconvenience and discomfort of a platform. From what he knew, nobles were often escorted or accompanied by a number of servants at their beck and call.

He knew Alexis belonged to one of the noble families, for Alexis' father, Sir Alberoth Amery was a noble. Thonavar had overheard Alexis often boasting to his gang of boys about the fact that his father was an established noble in City Above, sometimes promising them coin or some insincere opportunity in return for their loyalty. Sir Alberoth owned a great many wine breweries and brewhouses and made a wealthy business from them. Thonavar's thoughts became dark as he thought of Alexis. And he found himself clenching and unclenching his fists. As he did, he felt a familiar surge of energy well up within him. He had suffered bitterly under the hand of Alexis.

Thonavar looked up to see the steely blue eyes of Felix Vanyaga watching him curiously from within his hood. Thonavar turned away hastily, his anger forgotten, the surge of energy within him dying down. Eyes turned to stare in his direction but most of the stares were directed toward the black robes of Felix Vanyaga whose ominous presence deterred individuals from venturing too near the group.

Then there were the watchers – known by the populace as those dark-robed individuals from the secluded area of HavenGuarde called Sanctum that watched over the city as its silent protectors and defenders. It was not a common sight to see a watcher standing visibly in a public area. Stories surrounding incidents with a watcher were always shrouded in mystery and fear.

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