Chapter 59 - Outside the Walls

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Chapter 59

Outside the Walls

- He travelled to the edge of the world and then discovered there was so much more -

Felix Vanyaga stood on the edge of the walls of HavenGuarde. He looked behind him. Far below him the city spanned into the distance. A vast living organism, pulsating and breathing with each flickering light, crying out and speaking its own language with the relentless low humming and vibrating of the levitating sky-trains and the incessant droning and drilling of the builders.

I stand upon the edge, thought Felix Vanyaga. Upon the very edge of the world of Man.

Overhead, the curtain warped and wavered, twisting and then resuming shape. The curtain's forcefield dropped and fell about a hundred metres below, marking the end of its protection and the beginning of the hazards of the outside world.

The Scientists have done well, thought Felix to himself. 

Outside HavenGuarde, the world had changed drastically. Chaotic weather storms plagued the land beyond. During an especially devastating weather storm, vasts amounts of electricity would be generated in the air above the clouds, manifesting in lightning bolts of incredible magnitude and power raining upon the earth in a blitz of awesome fury. In building the curtain, the Government hoped to limit the effect of these destructive storms. So far, the device worked and humanity was spared the effects of storms that raged outside. Beneath the curtain, humanity remained safe. 

But perhaps not, mused Felix. 

He looked out across the lands beyond HavenGuarde and saw that they were shrouded in darkness. In the distance, streaks of lightning illuminated omnious plumes of darkened clouds that marked the beginning of the fear of the unknown.

That is my destination, thought Felix with a grim smile to himself.

Beyond the end of the world.

From within his robes, he pulled out a small circular disk. He pulled at it and the disk became wider. He pulled again and the disk became even wider. Felix kept pulling until he was satisfied. Then he pressed a button located at the side of the disc and there was a clicking sound as the disk locked itself in a fixed shape. He dropped the enlarged disc onto the ground before him. Then kneeling down beside the disc, he pressed two buttons located across each side of the disk. There was a low razor like vibrating sound and bluish electric energy field began to generate within the disk, crackling and swirling and spinning round and around. Felix watched as the electric blue swirling became faster and faster.


At the sound, a mini-vortex of swirling darkness suddenly appeared at the center of the enlarged disk. Electric blue energy swirled around the edges the black hole. Gazing at the dark center of the disk, Felix never failed to be mesmerised by the spinning void of pure and deep darkness.

Then with a last look behind at the sprawling city, he jumped into the black hole and disappeared into it. As soon as Felix jumped into it, the black hole continued swirling for a second before collapsing upon itself, shattering the metal edges of the disk. The electric field disappeared and the metal disk disintegrated.

Five hundred thousand miles away, there was another 'zipping' sound and the air warped and rifted open. Felix Vanyaga stepped out of the corridor, which closed behind him as quickly as it had appeared. There was a gust of wind and his robes rippled softly as he surveyed the landscape before him.

HavenGuardeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora