Chapter 74 - Plot

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Chapter 74


- They fled the city, for evil had found them and it was not safe -

Taking in the grisly scene before him, Felix eyes widened in shock as he saw the lifeless body of Mirya in her husband's arms. Exhaling slowly, Felix fought for inner calm before pressing his lips together grimly, moving to crouch beside the grieving Jesse Ironhand, placing a gentle hand of comfort upon his shoulder. 

"Come now", said Felix softly, his mind reeling, his thoughts here and everywhere at once. "We must go. They will come for the boy next."

"Wh-", began Jesse, looking pleadingly at Felix, his body shaking in shuddering gasps. "Why...why has this...happened?" 

"This is the work of a Black Patrol. Of this I am certain. I have seen far much to not recognise such ...violence. Mirya's chest wound speaks of the use of a plasma dagger which is a weapon commonly carried by patrol members. Where is the device?" 

Jesse shook his head in confusion, tears continuing to spill down his cheek.
"The playback device. I left it with Mirya after Thonavar's trial in the courtrooms of justice", explained Felix quickly. "I sensed its use from afar. This alerted me and I decided to investigate. Where is this device? It may give us a clue as to what transpired here."

"Here", answered Jesse, holding up the small circular device. "I found this on the floor beside...her." And as he said this, his voice threatened to break once more. 

Taking the device from Jesse, Felix stood to his feet. 

"Come, we must leave this place."

But Jesse remained where he was, cradling Mirya's head in his arms.

"Jesse", said Felix softly. "They will come for you too."

"Let them come", said Jesse. "I will be ready. And I will see my Mirya soon."

"There is nothing for you here. We must go-."

"And what is the point, watcher?" Jesse interrupted angrily. "They took everything from me."

"No", said Felix softly. "They have not. There is still...your son."

"My son...", said Jesse, his expression confused, as if in a dream.

"Yes, and they will come for him as well", said Felix grimly. "He needs a father. He needs you now, and more than ever."

"My son", muttered Jesse. "My son is...gone. He has left this house. He is no more."

"If you truly love the woman whose head you now cradle, you would do what I say", said Felix with a hint of frustration in his tone. "What would Mirya have wanted you to do if the worst ever happened?"

At the mention of her name, Jesse's face darkened and his jaw tensed as a stubborn expression formed on his face.

"How dare you speak her name?" shouted Jesse his face contorting in rage. "She never trusted you! You took her son away and you made her unhappy. She was always sad because of this!"

Felix ears pricked.

"Keep your voice down", he whispered harshly, his eyes wide, and Jesse fell silent. A low thrumming sound of a nearby hovercraft could be heard. The wardens were near, thought Felix. They must have been alerted to ensure there were no witnesses.

"Jesse Ironhand. We must leave now."

Jesse remained where he was, tears still flowing down his face. 

"I cannot leave her. I...cannot. I would rather die."

"I know", said Felix gently. "So come then, we will find a place for her. A place where she can lie in peace. I will take you there."

The thrumming sound grew louder. Searchlights could be seen in the distance, beaming to and fro over the buildings.

Jesse sighed heavily, locking eyes with Felix, before giving a feeble nod. 

"This way", said Felix, heading into the dark house. "Do not turn on the lights."

Gently picking the body of his wife from the blood-soaked floor, Jesse carried her with two hands across the living area and into their bedroom. His footsteps were sluggish and heavy, as though he were walking through metallic lead. And every step he took seemed like a step away from the life he once knew.

The man in black robes led the way to the edge of the room before opening a corridor which sprang open with a low zipping sound. Electrical energy crackled around the edges of the corridor.

"Are you ready?"

"Aye", said Jesse, and he moved toward the corridor, stopping only to pick up the small box of Mirya's private possessions from a nearby shelf.

Felix disappeared into the corridor, his black robes trailing after him.

Jesse waited a moment, his misty eyes drinking in the surrounding room in which he had spent many a night with the woman he now held in his arms. A lump formed in his throat and he blinked back tears.

Then with a deep shuddering breath, he walked into the corridor with the body of the love of his life in his arms. 

And as the wardens broke down the front door, yelling at the top of their lungs, their searchlights flooding the house with blinding white light, the corridor receded into nothingness, disappearing without a trace.

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