Chapter 78 - Hidden Pathways

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Chapter 78

Hidden Pathways

- Between the airs and auras of this world are other places, hidden places -

"Where are you taking us?" said Thonavar, but received no reply.

Biron Malcus led the way, with Daggard guarding the rear. Namarie and Thonavar walked between the two elder members of the Angerius Order.

"Please", whispered Namarie, her eyes wide, not with fear, but a raging curiousity. "What is happening?"

Behind them, Daggard chuckled softly in the dark.

Moments ago, below the trees, the group had waited until Randar's men had passed before Biron Malcus opened a corridor, gesturing for them to enter. The four of them had entered the corridor which closed behind them only to reopen before them into another place.

Stepping out of the corridor which closed behind them, Thonavar and Namarie found themselves walking into a dimly lit chamber. A dark shape detached itself from the left side of the wall, moving like a shadow to stand before them in the light. 

"Felix!" exclaimed Thonavar, as the man before him pulled back his hood.

"Boy", acknowledged Felix with a nod, his deep voice booming. "My thanks to you Malcus, and you Daggard, for your assistance."

Biron Malcus nodded, stepping back, while Daggard merely smiled, his cruel features lighting up.

"Greetings Namarie Heliene", continued Felix. "Does your master know of your whereabouts?"

Upon hearing this, Namarie's face fell and she shook her head.

"Nevertheless, I will not say a word to Alraka", said Felix with a reassuring smile. "That is because I do not need to. Even now, as you know, nothing escapes her attention."

Then turning to Thonavar, his face became serious. 

"What I am about to say to you is important. Listen closely boy. Tonight, you will need to leave to realms of HavenGuarde."

At first, Thonavar stared back at Felix blankly. Leave?

"Yes, you will need to leave, boy", repeated Felix, his voice sad.

"What...what do you mean?" said Thonavar, confused. Why was Felix asking him to leave?

"I will talk to you alone", said Felix softly, and he gestured for Thonavar to follow him into the next room. Namarie made as if to follow, but Biron Malcus put a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head before speaking.

"They will talk alone."

Once Inside the room, Felix clapsed his hands before him and sighed deeply.

"This will be difficult to say, boy. But I bring news of the gravest nature."

"Please...", said Thonavar, taken aback by Felix's sudden formality and seriousness. "Tell me what is the matter."

Then, looking straight into the boy's eyes, Felix spoke words that burned an irreparable hole in Thonavar's heart. Words that would haunt Thonavar forever. Words he would never forget.

"Mirya, your mother, is dead."

An image of Mirya flashed across in his mind. She was making his favourite soup. Felix's words rang words in the air. They sounded empty. Carrying no weight. No significance. Dead? Another image of his mother flashed in his mind. This time, she was scrubbing furiously, trying to clean his ink-stained shirts from school. 

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