Chapter 60 - The Master

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Chapter 60

The Master

- He strode into the hall, restless and cruel, eager to lord over all -

"Fool!" hissed the bald-headed man with the large frame as he struck the bloodied boy in the face.  

"Throw up your arms to block when you see the punch coming. You are far too slow!"

As the man's knuckles connected with Thonavar's head, his vision became blurred and he almost lost his footing. But the big man struck him again and again and Thonavar crumbled to the floor of the training ground. His head spun in a daze. 

After his trials in the dreamscape, he was shown into a waiting room. Biron Malcus and his cruel-looking associate, Craniam Daggard, had come to him. The Overseer had congratulated him and informed him that he had successfully passed and completed the classification. Moreover, they informed him that he had been classed. He was now a pupil belonging to the class of fist. However, before they had left Thonavar, a strange thing occurred. As Biron Malcus left the room, Craniam Daggard had remained where he was, staring at Thonavar with a searching gaze.

"Is something wrong instructor Daggard?" asked Thonavar. Craniam Daggard continued to stare at Thonavar and then scratched his head, ignoring the question. Then, shooting Thonavar an ugly smile that split the corners of his mouth, Craniam Daggard turned to leave the room but not before flashing another frightening smile at Thonavar as he disappeared from the room, black robes trailing behind him.  

Left alone to himself for a while, he sat down for a moment to reflect on what had happened. Relief and exultation flooded Thonavar's body and his head spun.

Then, he was shown to his new quarters.

He discovered that all his things, mostly clothes, had already been moved to his new quarters which were no less different to his previous quarters. However, he saw a pair of black robes neatly folded in a corner.

As to where he was now located within sanctum, Thonavar did not know. However, he knew he was not near the training grounds where he and the rest of his host had trained. But he was part of no host now. 

A messenger had come to him and had given him instructions. The first thing he was told was that he was going to have to report to his master. A master was one who had mastered a respective class and was tasked with the individual training and progression of his or her pupil.

Thonavar was told he was going to be given a day to rest before his training began with his new master. He was told to wear his black robes at all time for he was now effectively a member of the Angerius Order.

The day of rest has passed quickly and he was introduced to master Shakha. He was a powerfully built man and had a very large frame. Thonavar saw powerful muscles ripple under his forearms. 

However, upon seeing Thonavar, Shakha did not smile or introduce himself but instead had scowled at him. As soon as Thonavar was left alone with Shakha, he was made to run up and down the training hall without rest for hours. Thonavar gritted his teeth and did as he was instructed. Then toward the late evening, after hours of running up and down the training hall, Shakha had finally asked Thonavar to throw a punch at him. Thonavar did as he was told and Shakha caught Thonavar's fist, twisting it savagely. Thonavar cried out in pain and Shakha had laughed loudly, striding out of the training hall, leaving Thonavar clutching his fist in agony.

As his training under Shakha progressed, Thonavar soon learned that the man was arrogant and immensely cruel. Shakha delighted in inflicting pain and using words to break Thonavar's spirit and his will to learn. Thonavar did not understand why he did this but told himself to try his best to do whatever he was tasked.

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