Chapter 57 - Venturing Beyond

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Chapter 57

Venturing Beyond

-They stayed inside by the warm fire whilst all manner of wolves waited outside-

The room was extravagantly furnished, all in red and black colours. The floor was a red marble. Two men in black robes stood before a small fire. Both stood upon a grand carpet depicting horses and warriors fighting an epic battle. For a moment, neither man spoke a word. Then the taller man broke the silence.   

"Are you prepared?" asked the tall man in black robes.

"Yes, I will use the corridors to travel", replied the other man in black robes.

"Could anyone know of your intentions tonight?" asked the tall man again.
"No", replied the other man in black.

The taller man nodded.  

"Be careful. The corridor paths to the lands of beyond may be watched. Further, some are not as well maintained. You might find yourself in an entirely different part of the world", said the taller man.

"You may put your mind at ease. The path I shall use is one well-travelled", said the other. 

At this, the taller man nodded. "Of course. You are more knowledgeable about these matters than I. Go now. Time is of the essence." 

The other man nodded and with a swirl of black robes, he departed the taller man's presence, striding past the still figure at the door and into the hallway. A red light flickered and engulfed him completely. In a split-second the man was gone.

Back in the furnished chambers, the man stood alone, gazing out of the large window at the night sky. 

"Close the door Marcus", he said in a low and sad voice. The still figure at the door sprang into action, slamming the large and thick wooden door shut.

"What do you think Marcus? These are strange times are they not?" said the man. "Strange times indeed. Something stirs abroad, in the lands beyond." 

A moment passed. But the man remained standing at the window.

Suddenly, a loud knocking began at the door! 

Marcus growled.

"Ah another visitor", said the man. "Do let her in Marcus. I am expecting her." Marcus obliged and the door opened slowly. A figure stood in the doorway, a black hood over her head.

"Lady Raphina Semyasha, how may I be of assistance?" said the man, bowing slightly in greeting. "Have a seat", he said again, pointing to a plush cushioned seat.

Pulling back her hood slowly, the tall form of a proud woman entered the doorway, and walked gracefully into the furnished chambers. Her hair was as white as snow.

She looked around and then turned to stare at the man in black robes before deciding to sit where he had indicated. After she had taken her seat, the man sat across her and folded his robes before clapsing his hands before him.

"I did not come here for petty talk Dragba", said the woman coldly. "Where is Felix Vanyaga?"

"I am sure he has business to attend", said the Lord Damon calmly. "May I pour you a drink my lady?"

"What business?" asked Lady Raphina with an icy stare, ignorning his offer.

"His business is his own", replied Lord Damon conversationally. "A drink?"

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