Chapter 15 - Verdict

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Chapter 15


- And the truth shall set you free -

The white doorway was open. And there, in black robes that denoted his identity as watcher, stood Felix Vanyaga. He walked in, his black cloak swirling around him. The onlookers murmured in astonishment. Even Sir Alberoth seemed at loss for words. Felix stopped and then moved to stand next to Thonavar, clasping his hands together solemnly.

"Adjudicator", said the deep voice of Felix, echoing deeply around the cavernous courtroom. He wasted no time. "I was present at the incident between young Ironhand and young Lardis. As I have taken Ironhand and his family into my protection, inferences of bias can be drawn against me and it would be fruitless to say anything else in Ironhand's defence. However, I can explain to this courtroom the reasons why I chose to act in taking Ironhand and his family into my protection. I have little else to say, save for this." Felix held out a microchip that he produced from within his robes for all in the courtroom to see. "I have been able to capture a live replay what transpired through the use of a digital image capturer and the information is available in playback."

He held it up in the air.

"With your permission, adjudicator", waited Felix Vanyaga. A moment of nervous silence followed. Thonavar knew that what happened next would depend on whether the adjudicator considered the evidence submitted by Felix as admissible evidence.

"Permission granted, Felix Vanyaga," said the voice of the adjudicator. At this, Thonavar relaxed inwardly. Sir Alberoth gave a suppressed cry of rage, similar to that of a dying animal, that echoed softly throughout the courtroom. He looked at his advisors who sat behind him, mouthing the words: what is the meaning of this? However, the poor men looked absolutely stunned. They had not foreseen this and had no idea that someone would have been able to capture the incident with a digital image capturer. The prison wardens had not possessed any such information. Whispers of explanation and cries of outrage were exchanged between a frantic Sir Alberoth and his advisors.

"Silence in the courtroom!" boomed the commanding voice of the adjudicator. "I will now attempt to activate the digital capturer."

Thonavar's nerves were tingling with anticipation. As Felix continued to hold the micro-chip in the air, a feeble blue shaft of light appeared from above, enveloping Felix's open palm. Thonavar strained to trace the source of the strange blue light but was again unable to locate its source.

The micro-chip that was held up by Felix floated high in the air, caught in the soft blue light of the tractor beam. As soon as the micro-chip left his palm, Felix went to stand beside Thonavar, hands clasped before him. Thonavar looked up at Felix but Felix ignored him, facing solemnly and sternly to the front. Meanwhile, a humming sound was heard as the data was extracted and read by the adjudicator.

"Extracting data. Receiving data", boomed the voice of the adjudicator.

The blue light split and branched into small blue lines of light and then joined back together, forming various shapes. Slowly, images began to form within the blue light and then image by image suddenly burst into colour, expanding many times its original size. The playback began and Thonavar marveled at the incredible holographic technology that allowed viewers to see the full range of images transpiring from the playback directly, from every angle of the courtroom.

A strange sensation gripped Thonavar as he watched himself in the playback. It was as though he was being transported back in time. Felix placed a hand on his shoulder, assuring him with a nod. "Everything will be fine", whispered Felix, in an almost inaudible voice. Though this hall was made to amplify sound tens of times over, Thonavar was sure that if he had moved a step away, he would not have heard Felix's whisper. He looked around. It seemed that no one had noticed and no one had heard. All eyes were fixed on the images that were moving rapidly in real-time and in mid-air. Even Sir Alberoth was transfixed, as though watching a replay of his own death. His face turned from red to white. A few audible gasps filled the courtroom and Thonavar looked down at the floor, not wishing to remember the events that had taken place that fateful day.

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