Chapter 44 - The Bridge to Sanctum

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Chapter 44

The Bridge to Sanctum

- Behold the fool who lies in wait and does not enter Sanctum's gate -

It was Lyla.

"Lyla!" cried Chaeron and both he and Thonavar scrambled down the rock boulders into the clearing.

Thonavar reached her first but drew back as he saw that she did was unmoving and did not respond at all to their calls. A feeling of dread overtook him and he stood there rooted to the spot. But Chaeron did not give up.

"Lyla! Wake up!" said Chaeron. He shook her desperately, his eyes wide with fear.

Lyla's eyelids fluttered open and she stared at them. Relief swept through Thonavar like a wave and he almost fell to his knees from the powerful emotion that gripped him. Chaeron gave a loud sigh and fell to his knees, shaking his head, swearing loudly.

Lyla was pale and gaunt. Long cuts and and gashes were noticeable all over her arms and legs. She had lost an amount of blood and it was clear that she was weak. She tried to lift herself up to a sitting position but her arms started to tremble.

"I am sorry", she said, bringing herself to an upright position, leaning against the rock. "I was rash and foolish." 

"Say nothing more of it", said Thonavar immediately. Chaeron stared at Thonavar, a look of surprise on his face, which then turned into a slight grin. Turning to Lyla, he exclaimed. "So! You survived the storm." He patted her on the shoulder. "We knew you would somehow get to safety", said Chaeron with a wide smile.

"Well I did not exactly find refuge on my own", she said, smiling weakly. "Had it not been for these two, I would have perished in the storm. They carried me to rest here", said Lyla, and she nodded to the still-standing sad-looking dark-haired twins. "They saved my life."

"Indeed", said Chaeron. "They led us to find you. They were the two disciples who Biron Malcus had told us about, the ones who arrived before us. But we are all here now and we are safe."

There was a moment of silence. The twins stood by watching them silently. Thonavar shifted from foot to foot uneasily. Turning to the twins, he thanked them for bringing Lyla to safety, saving her life in the process.

"Thonavar", said Lyla in a hushed tone. "Do you...forgive me?" She looked to Thonavar and their eyes met. Chaeron took a step back, eyes darting between the two anxiously. Lyla quickly looked to the ground, afraid to meet Thonavar's eye.

"Aye", he said with an awkward smile. He patted her on her back and coughed, feeling awkward.

Lyla smiled again weakly. Suddenly, she coughed and blood sprayed into the air. She crumpled.

"Lyla!" shouted Chaeron and he caught her head before it struck the rock behind her.

Suddenly, the twins were next to her. Marallene held her head and gently eased her down. She spoke softly. "We tore pieces of her clothing to stop the bleeding from cuts on her body. She had been caught in the wrath of the hailstorm. We observed her flight up the stairway but she was struck by a hailstone and fell. We knew she would not make it. And so we intervened and carried her here."

"I am weak", whispered Lyla. "It is midday now. You all must reach Sanctum's gates before last light today. You must go."

"We will not leave you", said Thonavar firmly. Then he turned to the twins.

"Marubelline and Marallene. I thank you for your help here. We are most grateful. You both are free to go now. We will care for her here until she is strong enough or we will carry her. You both need to reach Sanctum's gates or you will not complete the journey."

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