Chapter 79 - A Sea of Black

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Chapter 79

A Sea of Black

- All of them came together, faceless, unknown, and no one could name the other -

Thonavar blinked again. Felix words echoed in his head.

"There are many ways to travel the world. It is no different in Sanctum".

"Do as I do."

"Do not be afraid."

Thonavar sped forward, and upon reaching the giant oak, he took did as Felix did, taking three huge steps as he ran up its trunk. As he was about to take another step, he felt a tug along his waist and a pull, and without warning, his body was jerked in a complete different direction.

A split-second later, his head touched a cool floor.

Thonavar rose swiftly to his feet, adopting a defensive position, only to see the black-robed Felix standing before him.

"Well done, boy", said Felix, his deep voice booming. "The open corridor has taken us here to the east side of Sanctum where the hosts share their living quarters. We will have to move swiftly through the training areas toward the Temple Dome. Besides, we have to move swiftly for it will only be a matter of time before they find the hidden corridor. Quickly now."

And, again, Felix sped off with Thonavar following suit. 

The two left the empty chamber just as a man clutching a neon energy ring zipped into existence.

Felix moved swiftly ahead, his black-robes swirling around him, as he moved through the living quarter. The night was silent for most of the hosts had ended their trainings and had returned to their chambers to rest for the night.

Thonavar was quiet, his thoughts on his days spend training with his host. I will not miss them. But I will miss charo. And I will also miss Lyla.

"Felix", began Thonavar, "before we leave, promise me that you will tell Chaeron, and Lyla. Tell them...". 

Thonavar's hair suddenly stood on end, and he turned to Felix who had also stopped to listen. Low whispers could be heard.

"They are here", mouthed Felix, and he gestured for Thonavar to follow closely. Felix took a left and then a right before making another right, and all of a sudden, Thonavar found the area strangely familiar. He turned to Felix, who nodded, before opening the doorway to his personal chamber. Once inside, Thonavar closed the doorway.

"Put this on", said Felix, pulling out a black robe, and Thonavar obeyed.

Soft padded footsteps outside his door could be heard as the light danced underneath the doorway.

"Malcus, now would be a good time", muttered Felix to himself.

Without warning, a light in the room flashed a bright red and a loud automated voice resounded throughout the entire living quarters.

"All hosts to proceed to the Temple Dome. This is a safety drill. Unauthorised entry and suspected intruders detected. For self-identification purposes, all pupils to don the black robes with hooded cover and to arm themselves with weapons of their respective class. All instructors activated. Please listen carefully for further instructions."

Thonavar could feel the intensity of the activity from the vibrations as each and every pupil at Sanctum from within their respective chambers rose from their nighttime rest to put on their robes and arm themselves.

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