Chapter 23 - Review

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Chapter 23


- Guarda La Luna, she hangs from the sky, beaming her blessing upon you and I -

"Let us begin!" bellowed Dragba Damon, with an outstretched hand. "A Testing has been undertaken. The boy stands before us awaiting verdict. Let us judge in accordance."

At that moment, Felix Vanyaga strode across the circular room and held a similar device Thonavar had seen him use in the Courtroom of Justice. It was a micro-chip of some kind that allowed images to be captured and replayed. Felix held his palm out into the air and a blue shaft of light pierced down suddenly, enveloping his palm before focusing on the microchip.

Thonavar watched, mesmerised, as the chip floated up into the air. And somehow expanded into an image. A multi-dimensional image formed before their eyes, with each person in the room being able to see a flat screen. Although he had seen it before, he still marveled at this miracle that science had managed to achieve.

"Begin the review", rasped an old wizened man, a hint of impatience in his voice.

As the images started forming upon the screen, Thonavar looked away. He did not wish to relive his experiences during the Testing. He realised, when looking back, that inside the Gamer's Virtual Projection, for some strange reason, he had no idea as to who he was and of what purpose he existed for. The thought of being nameless and utterly lost in a world that only existed in virtual reality brought a shiver down his spine. It was a bleak thought. Whilst in that world, he had merely assumed that his role was to just to be. To live. Or to die. Memory eluded him. All he possessed were his instincts and his senses. Perhaps this was what Felix had meant when he had advised Thonavar before the Testing.

"Do not be afraid boy. But do not let your guard down. Stay alert. During the Testing, though memory fail you, stick to the path...". Felix Vanyaga's words echoed in his head. Another scene

The Testing was a cruel test and an extremely dangerous one. One wondered what would happen should a child, a mere twelve-year old, with not so strong a mind, become trapped inside the world of the Gamer's Virtual Projection for days or months? Would Thonavar's physical body, the one strapped to a chair, die from starvation? If he had died in the virtual world, created by the projection, would his physical real body die as well? Questions flooded his mind and he found himself growing sick and angry. Then there was the question of a child's psychological health and wellbeing. From the shivering of the blond-haired Jolom Stalheim to the look of fear from the black-haired Dorolore Malaire, Thonavar guessed that the Testing took a toll on these two children.

Thonavar felt nauseous and hot. He needed to get out. He needed to escape from this circular room and the horrible images that flashed before him.

His gaze flickered from the floor to the moving images on the screen before him. For an instant, the moving images on screen caught his eye and he saw himself falling from a great height. He landed on his leg and watched as the bone protruded from his calf. Still, he managed to drag himself toward a large golden candelabra positioned at the end of the room. The Thonavar that existed in the Gamer's Virtual Projection seemed to be without pain, his expression one of fierce purpose and determination as he staggered toward the golden candelabra, and away from the nightmare darkness that followed just inches behind.

Was that really me? I suppose so. But it does not seem real...

Feeling nauseous, Thonavar looked outside the clear glass behind the Angardian Council. Thonavar tried to focus on something in the vast scenery before him but all were nondescript and tiny. Then he saw it, like a pale globe hanging in the dark heavens. The moon.

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