Chapter 69 - Plot

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Chapter 69


- Slow and subtle is the knife from behind -

A large man paced the room relentlessly, his massive forearms clenching and unclenching. His face was red and his anger, apparent.

"Peace Sigmourne", said a short, wizened-looking man whose eyes shone with a steely blue. He had the look of eagles about him.

"Aye. Calm yourself", spoke another. The speaker was a tall and darkly handsome man dressed in a simple tunic padded with armour.  

"How can I remain calm Dimitri? I have been insulted!" roared Sigmourne Beefheart.

"Why do you come to us? Why not go through Ramonth? The council should be-," began the short wizened-looking man with steely blue eyes but much to his annoyance, he was interrupted by another outburst. A frown appeared on his forehead which was noted by Dimitri. Genevar is having none of this, he mused.

"Ramonth does not care! He does not pay attention to these things!" roared Lord Beefheart hysterically. "He only cares about keeping peace between the council, the order and the peoples."

"Then he is guilty of only fulfilling his duties", said the man with steely blue eyes.

"He allows that fool, Sailem, to insult me and constantly torment me", complained Lord Beefheart, his face flushed with anger. 

"But you are the Lord of thunder are you not? Surely you are more than a match for Starlassor?" replied Dimitri Skaron coolly, knowing his words would be a blow to Beefheart's pride.

"Of course!" thundered Lord Beefheart, the veins in his neck bulging purple, and for a moment he seemed to angry that his neck might burst.

"Then what would you have us do?" asked the short man with steely blue eyes.

"My lords", said Lord Beefheart, his voice suddenly becoming softer, as he bowed his head in a show of mock humility.

Dimitri refrained from rolling his eyes and saw from the corner of his eye that Genevar remained expressionless.

"My lords. I have only ever served you well", said Lord Beefheart. "Is that not?"

"It is true", said the wizened man. "You have served us well and have proven useful in relaying information on the council to us. For that you must have your reward. Tell us what you desire."

"Revenge", muttered Lord Beefheart. "I want...revenge."

"We cannot move against Starlassor", said Dimitri Skaron, moving to stand before Lord Beefheart. 

"What!" exclaimed Lord Beefheart indignantly. "Why?"

"We have our reasons", said Dimitri sternly. "What else can we do for you Sigmourne?"

"But I want revenge!" howled Lord Beefheart, his face desperate.

"Then I am afraid there is nothing we can do to help you Sigmourne. Come back to us with another request", said the short, wizened man, turning away.

"Wait! There is one thing...", said Lord Beefheart, his eyes twinkling evilly. "The boy. He must pay for embarrassing my son."

"What harm has befallen your son?"

"Have you not heard?" exclaimed Sigmourne hysterically. "My son suffered the boy's trickery during the Fury!"

"The Fury? Is that not a mere tournament held by the Angerius Order every year?"

"Yes...and it is the most prestigious event of the-," began Sigmourne but he was cut off mid-sentence.

"We do not concern ourselves with such...triviality Sigmourne. You may forgive us for this", said the short, wizened man softly.

"Who is this boy?" asked Dimitri, with a hint of exasperation.

"He is a favourite of Dragba and Felix Vanyaga", declared Lord Beefheart.

"A favourite...", echoed the short, wizened man, his eyes sparkling with interest. "Pray, what do you mean?"

"The boy, he is a favourite of Drag-," repeated Lord Beefheart.

"Yes, I know", snapped the short, wizened man irritably, his blue eyes flashing gold. "You already said that."

Lord Beefheart paused, glancing nervously at Dimitri, who turned away, refusing to meet his eye.

"What I mean is that, ah, Lord Damon and Felix Vanyaga appear to have taken a special interest in the boy", said Lord Beefheart carefully.

"Why do you say so?" said the man again, his curiousity apparent.

"I certain acquaintance of mine, a man by the name of Sir Alberoth, had the boy stand trial for injuring his son. Felix Vanyaga was his chief witness and Lord Dragba Damon was in attendance at the hearing in the courtrooms of justice. Of course, the boy was acquitted and was never brought to justice for his crimes", spat Lord Beefheart, his eyes shining with malevolence.

"Interesting, but one might say it was pure coincidence Sigmourne", murmured the short, wizened man, touching a finger to his chin. "Although the allegiances of Dragba and Felix remain a cause of cause to us, we have no evidence to incriminate any of them. Their movements remain mere suspicion."

"No, no, no," protested Lord Beefheart, shaking his great head. "There is more."

"Enlighten us", said Dimitri, impatiently.

"Earlier the boy was recommended to undertake a testing by Felix Vanyaga whose request was rejected. But despite this, the boy found his way into the pool of candidates to be tested. He passed...with Lord Damon's recommendation, amongst others", said Lord Beefheart, with a dramatic smirk all over his face.

"Ah, that is most interesting", said the short, wizened man, nodding slightly. "Dragba Damon and Felix Vanyaga's interest in the boy may prove useful to us. Does this boy have a name Sigmourne?"

"My lords, the boy's name is Thonavar. Thonavar Ironhand", said Lord Beefheart barely containing his glee. Lord Genevar Winterborne seems pleased with me.

A brief moment of silence followed as the commander of the realms of HavenGuarde said nothing, standing still with eyes with closed, appearing deep in thought. Dimitri too said nothing, awaiting verdict.

"Dimitri, spare Sigmourne one of your patrols", said Genevar Winterborne, suddenly, his gaze affixed on something behind Lord Beefheart's head. "Let us find out more about the boy. Perhaps, pay his house...a visit."

Dimitri Skaron, commander of the realm, bowed his head slightly in a gesture of respect before giving Lord Beefheart a withering look. Then he was gone from the chamber in a flash. Turning his gaze back to Lord Beefheart, Genevar Winterborne spoke again.

"You have done well Sigmourne."

And at this, Lord Beefheart's chest swelled with pride.

"The Unity shall grant your desire. You shall have your revenge."

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