Chapter 84 - The Walls of HavenGuarde

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Chapter 84

The Walls of HavenGuarde

- Beyond the walls lie a vast land shrouded in mist and mystery -

Alraka drew from her robes a small circular device and stretched it wide before throwing it to the ground.

"Stand back", she commanded. 

Lyla, Chaeron and Dorolore obeyed, taking several steps back.

Blue light and energy crackled from the disk and around it, and not long a giant void of empty black space tore the fabric of reality. 


Satisfied, Alraka gestured for the three of them to step into the giant corridor.

"Come now", she said, with a gesture of her hand. "You will now go through this corridor. It will take you where you need to go."

Dorolore took a step forward but Lyla and Chaeron remained unmoving. 

"Ah, you do not trust me", said Alraka, a look of understanding passing across her face.

"That is correct, unless you can persuade us otherwise", said Lyla. "How do we know we can trust you?"

"Well, you activated the device Felix Vanyaga gave to you, did you not?"

"Yes", replied Lyla, raising an eyebrow. "What about it?" 

"That device belongs to me", said Alraka. "So, in other words, you were already in my hands the moment master Vanyaga gave that device to you. Felix intended for us to meet and at the moment, you are running late."

"Late? Late for what in particular?" asked Chaeron, folding his arms.

"They gather upon the walls", said Alraka, gesturing toward the corridor.


"Yes. The walls of HavenGuarde, young Lyla Evesong", said Alraka, her warm demeanour vanishing, replaced with a hint of impatience. "Now young Chaeron Theon and Dorolore Malaire, would you step into the corridor before I do something silly?"

"The walls?" said Thonavar.

"Yes, that is where we must go", said Felix.

It was well past the midnight hour and there were few people on the semi-circular platform of the sky station at the time. Thonavar and Namarie saw the control booth – a room enclosed by a wall of transparent glass, within which floated a holographic image of a multicoloured grid with many intersections, manned by various individuals even at this late hour.

Moments ago, Felix Vanyaga had opened a corridor and he, Namarie and Thonavar had stepped through. The corridor had swallowed them, spitting them out from its murky depths and the trio found themselves immediately enveloped by the multitude of lights of city above. Namarie had stood transfixed as she saw, all around her, large horizontal platforms, rising into the air or descending, before reconnecting with some other giant horizontal platform.

"The World Map has been destroyed but they will build a new one in time", shrugged Felix. And I suspect its destruction was something to do with us... 

"In the meanwhile, though Randar and the black patrols may find it difficult to track our movements without heat-signature tracking technology, there are other means to find us. I know that the Scientists have been developing a method of mapping and tracking corridor usage through tracing electrical power signatures. It remains to be seen if they have now fully developed this technology but we will take no chances. We will use the network to bring us to our destination. Pull up your hoods. It will reduce the chance of facial recognition and we want our passage through city above to go unnoticed."

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