Chapter 82 - Scientists

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Chapter 82


- Unwittingly, they gave up their humanity to create dark but wondrous marvels -

"The forging is complete", said the computerised voice, as the beams of light began to decrease in luminosity before fading away as the machine powered down. There was a sudden spray of red sparks in all directions and then machine became dark. Few noticed this in the din of the battle and none save Felix saw the silver pair of gauntlets resting in the mold. 

Felix lifted the pair of gauntlets from the heart of the Soulforge. They had cooled quickly.

Thonavar bolted upright from within his chair, wide awake as the projection released him, his fists raised, ready to do combat. But Felix was already by his side. He gestured for Thonavar to stand to his feet and placed the pair of silver gauntlets within his hand. Thonavar stared in amazement at the beautiful pair of gauntlets that had been crafted. His mind was a blur. The last thing he remembered was a pair of gleaming red eyes. But that in no way distracted him from his present state of awe.

How beautiful they are.

"Put them on", said Felix calmly, as screams of men erupted near the chamber entrance. And Thonavar obeyed. 

None of Randar's men dared to come within range of the deadly blade wielded by the woman in black that danced before them.

Namarie counted nine men dead. However, she was fast tiring and could not very much longer hold the narrow chamber entrance against Randar's men who kept coming at her time and again. Worse, there seemed to be more men than there were at the started which only meant the invading main force was much larger and it was only a matter of time before they were overrun. And she feared the worst for Lyla, Chaeron and Dorolore.

Namarie saw the smoke grenade appear on the ground before her and she stepped back from the chamber entrance as smoke spewed forth from the canister, obscuring all vision. Muted and muffled cries were heard from within the thick plumes. 

A powerful hand clasped her shoulder from behind, pulling her back several paces.

"Come with me", whispered Felix, "and quickly. We must depart this place."

"What of Lyla, Chaeron and Dorolore?", asked Namarie, holding up the giant blade, her golden eyes flashing. "Shall we not go to them?"

"Help is on the way", replied Felix. "They will be attended to."

"And where is varu?" she whispered back, slightly breathless.

Thonavar came out from behind him and Namarie's anger dissipated, her eyes becoming bright with delight once more. The change in her mood and demeanor was so sudden and rapid that it caught Felix's attention. But he said nothing.

"It is done", said Thonavar softly, and he smiled at her, lifting his gauntlet-covered fists in a flash of silver. Namarie's eyes widened in amazement.

Felix's eyes narrowed. Something seemed off.

"Someone comes", he said. "Quickly now. Come with me!" 

As the smoke cleared, Randar's men rushed into the chamber and surrounded the Soulforge. Felix, Thonavar and Namarie were nowhere to be seen.

"Curse them", muttered Randar, under his breath. "Where is Sigmourne and his men? He is truly a useless fool."

"I could not agree with you more", said a new voice, suddenly piping up.

Randar spun around as the remainder of his men hastily drew long-range weapons, their red crosshairs following the shape of a man as he glided into the chamber from the entrance.

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