Chapter 42 - Storm

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Chapter 42


- Lightning flashed and thunder rolled, the rains, the winds, the clouds and snow -

Sand and small stones loosened and fell from under the stairway of rock that was carved into the mountainside. Being just barely wide enough for two persons, the stairway was a dangerous terrain to traverse. A small misstep could send a person tumbling to their doom. The trio moved quickly, with the lithe and nimble Lyla in the lead. The stairway encircled the mountainside. Having merely rested for slightly under an hour, their legs burned with exertion and they were close to exhaustion. But fear gave them speed. Though there was no sign of Gargan, Thonavar, Lyla and Chaeron did not want to take any risks.

The winds howled and whistled all around the mountainside sending swirling clouds of sand, ice and dust into the air. Thonavar squinted through the wind at Chaeron who was a few steps ahead of him upon the stairway of rock. Thonavar could see that he was struggling and that each step forward was taken with great difficulty. Chaeron risked a glance back at Thonavar and managed a grin. But his face was haggard.

The winds were getting stronger and battered the trio with sand and rock, making their way up the mountain tremendously difficult. Thonavar felt the pull of a gust of wind at his feet and he almost lost his balance. Thonavar feared the possibility that at any moment, the wind could pick one of them up, and toss him or her down the mountainside.

"Chaeron!" shouted Thonavar. But there was no response and Chaeron continued moving upwards. The sound of Thonavar's voice was drowned by the noise of the blizzard which raged all around the mountainside. He shouted again but it was no use. With his back to Thonavar, Chaeron could not hear a thing.

Summoning his energy, Thonavar surged up the stairway and tapped Chaeron on the back. Chaeron spun around, his eyes wide with alarm.

"Chaeron! We must stop!", shouted Thonavar. Even at such close range, the noise of the roaring wind was deafening, snatching his words even before they left his mouth. 

"The winds are too dangerous! Go! Tell Lyla!" shouted Thonavar, pointing at the still-climbing figure of Lyla, a few steps above. Chaeron nodded, and shielding his face, he leapt up a few steps and caught up with Lyla. Thonavar waited as Lyla and Chaeron descended the steps and joined him.

"Lyla! The wind is too strong! It is too dangerous! We must stop!", shouted Thonavar at Lyla and Chaeron who each stood a step above him.

"Nay! We must continue! I think we are almost there!", Lyla shouted back, her eyes squinting to see ahead up the stairway. The blizzard raged around them, almost threatening to engulf them.

"How can you be sure?" shouted Chaeron, his brown hair flying in all directions.

"I am sure!" shouted Lyla back at him. "Follow me!"

"Look around. The storm is growing!" Thonavar shouted. "We must stop!"

"No! We must press on", shouted Lyla, shaking her head. Even in the midst of the storm, her face was defiant.

"Chaeron!" shouted Lyla. "Gargan will catch up to us!"

Thonavar saw Chaeron's face fell. Chaeron was in a difficult position. He did not want to go against Thonavar but he also did not want to be found by Gargan. He looked at Thonavar guiltily. Thonavar's heart sank as he knew what Chaeron was about to say.

"Thonavar! We must move on!", shouted Chaeron. "We cannot stay!"

"I would rather face Gargan! I am not afraid of him!", shouted Thonavar. "This is madness! It is too dangerous to continue in the storm!" It took tremendous energy to shout above the noise of the storm. Thonavar's frustration mounted and he began to become angry.

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