Chapter 27 - Goodbye

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Chapter 27


- And after he bade them farewell, he strode into glittering portals -

"Before the time of HavenGuarde, there were ships sailing on golden waters and caravans lining up in the multitudes along platinum roads that spanned miles between behemoth cities across the face of the planet. Glints of sunlight dazzled those that beheld the undying spires and those leviathan biomechanic trees that reached the rooftop of the sky, harnessing the sun's energy. There were the great diamond gates of Charssica and its tall statues of bronze that pointed westward, and not forgetting the floating palaces where the wealthy dwelled in all their glory. There were the nations. And there were people. There was laughter, joy and peace. There was the world. The old world", the voice boomed, echoing across the giant chamber. 

"Once a place of colour. Once a place of light. Now, the world has fallen to darkness. Void. Barren. Nothing moves. The ocean deeps echo the soulless emptiness of the world that has become this day and age. But here inside the mighty fortress, we have gathered together. A remnant. Broken but not shattered. Dismayed but not destroyed. We can rebuild. We can look forward to progress. We can live in peace. This is the new world". The voice paused and there was absolute silence. Then the speaker's voice boomed out again, ringing with conviction.

"Look around, I beg of you. Past the walls of this great hall. Outside, the great city lives on, in all its glory. Unspoiled, unshaken, visible as far as the eye can see. A single civilisation imbued with all the power and capacity of mankind. We have rebuilt. We have progressed. We are the new world!"

"But here inside these walls, peace is not an absolute guarantee. Peace is not to be taken for granted. It falls to those of an ancient order to ensure that chaos does not rear its head within our glorious city. Those of the Angerius Order are chosen for this purpose - to ensure that the people of the new world live in harmony and look to an age of peace and progress. That is what we are here for. This is our purpose. This is the purpose for which young pupils such as yourselves are chosen. For this great purpose. To watch the gate, to keep the peace, to stop those who wish to hinder our great progress into the future and to be a symbol of strength and hope for the glory of HavenGuarde."

The hooded overseer stared out over the small group of boys and girls standing in perfect symmetrical lines across a grand chamber. Flaming torches decked the sides of the grand chamber. An air of solemnity reigned within the hall. The overseer spoke from a elevated beam. He was one who had experienced the old world, with all its stories, tales, myth and legend. His young audience listened intently, some completely mystified.

"Young ones. The land beyond is plagued with darkness. You know this. You were taught this. Outside the city, there is something that lurks. Threatening to overcome this proud bastion of humanity. HavenGuarde stands against this darkness, like a shining beacon upon the earth."

The overseer's voice suddenly trailed off and dipped in volume. His voice dropped to but a whisper. "You will learn. You will learn of what lurks outside in the dark. And you will be taught to fight when the time arises. You will train and you will learn." The overseer paused and smiled to himself. But his eyes betrayed an uncharacteristic uneasiness. Soon, they would know and they would be changed.

"We must not ever let the darkness outside enter this city. For the day this is so, then we are truly lost. For now, you must all be patient. All questions will be answered in time to come. For now, we must say our farewells. For they are waiting."

The hooded overseer held a hand out, and at this gesture, a doorway opened at the end of the chamber. The hooded overseer pointed across the vast hall and there was a collected gasp from all of the children standing before him. Even from across the hall, those that walked through the doorway had faces that were pale and grim. From across the hall, it was evident that many of the women had eyes that were red and misty.

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