Chapter 83 - Haliel

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Chapter 83


- And in her hands, she holds the keys to life and death -

"The chances of a favourable outcome decrease by the second", muttered Chaeron, as he tried once more to break free from the neon rings encircling his hands.

"Fool", muttered Lyla, with a weak smile. "Those are energy bracelets. You cannot break from those."

Her faced was bruised and blood trickled from an open gash on her forehand where one of Randar's men had struck her with the butt of a heavy weapon, knocking her unconscious to the ground.

"Dorolore," called Lyla, but the girl remained unmoving.

Moments ago, three heavily-armoured men in black had burst into the room wielding all manner of weapon. 

Lyla reacted quickly and leapt toward the nearest man, striking him to the ground. The man was much bigger than her but still such was the ferocity of her attack that he had succumbed. Chaeron and Dorolore, momentarily astonished, followed suit and joined the fight.

But the man she had struck returned to his feet before yanking her by her blonde hair. Lyla spun furiously and tried to grab the man but he lifted her by her hair and tossed her to the ground. Lyla landed heavily but rolled to her feet, her blue eyes flashing angrily.

Chaeron, seeing Lyla fall, turned from his opponent and ran toward Lyla's attacker. Upon nearing the man, Chaeron drew what seemed to be a long black pole from within his robes and struck the man across the face with a powerful blow. The force of the blow caused the man to flew across the room, before crumpling in a heap.

Chaeron helped Lyla to her feet and he grinned at her. His grin was irresistible and she could not help but manage a smile back. But her smile vanished in a split-second as she cried out.

"Look out!"

Chaeron was hauled back roughly and thrown to the floor by his previous opponent. Lyla ran at the man only to have something hard crack against her skull. She fell to the ground and lay unmoving.

Chaeron rose to his feet, his face white with anger as he saw Lyla sprawled upon the floor. At the corner of his eye, he saw Dorolore fighting hard against her opponent.

Lyla's attacker rushed at him and Chaeron leapt deftly to the side, swinging his pole across his body and in an arc before smashing the pole into man's stomach. A gasp of pain escaped from the man's mouth as Chaeron struck him and he fell to the floor, clutching his abdomen area.

Storing the stave within his robes once more, Chaeron rushed to attend to Lyla. But he did not see another heavily-armoured man creep up from behind him until it was too late. Chaeron spun around but his new attacker was strong and shoved him roughly before clasping twin pairs of neon rings upon his wrists.

It did not take long before Dorolore was also pinned to the ground and captured as more heavily-armoured men in black entered the room.

"Where are your friends?" asked a man, emerging from behind his violent-looking associates.

He must be their leader, thought Chaeron to himself. 

The man had a scar across his eye and Chaeron also noticed a repulsive marking of a woman without clothes on the side of his neck.

"If you tell us. We will not have to kill you", said the man again, this time, a cruel smile playing on his lips. Chaeron did not answer, but gritted his teeth in defiance.

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