Chapter 43 - Two of a Kind

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Chapter 43

Two of a Kind

- He saw his own reflection and she stared back at him -

"The task before you is simply this: enter the mountain's entrance before last light on the third day. Those who do not complete the journey to the mountain's entrance within three days before the third day's sunset would find rescue. But, they would not be eligible for classification. They will go on to serve the Angerius Order in other ways."

The first rays of dawn on the third day found Thonavar as he awoke suddenly, eyes flaring open. He had been dreaming again. The sky was clear as day and golden rays of sunlight pierced through the clouds, giving light to the earth. Thonavar tried to move and winced as pain surged through his body like an electric shock. Ideas and images floated vaguely at the edge of his memory and he tried to recollect his thoughts. There had been a terrible hailstorm last night. He and Chaeron had taken refuge behind a collapsed part of the ceiling which had protected them from the wrath of the storm. However, the last thing he remember was something striking the side of his head. Another wave of pain hit him as he struggled to his feet, groaning aloud. He had lay down in an awkward position to avoid the battering hailstones and as a result, his muscles and body had stiffened considerably. Thonavar felt as though every joint and muscle was out of place and he felt clumsy and uneasy with his movement. He stretched his back and heard several satisfying pops and cracks as he straightened up.

A low moan came from within the debris, as a dust and rock-covered Chaeron emerged, sweeping rock and dust away. Spitting out dust and pieces of rock, Chaeron looked completely disheveled and dirty. He coughed, hawked and spat rudely.

Thonavar found himself grinning at the sight of Chaeron who looked completely wretched. Gone was the boy from city above. In but a short space of time, Chaeron looked visibly stronger and there was a rougher edge about him. However, Chaeron did not seem to think it funny.

"What are you amused about?" snapped Chaeron irritably, spitting saliva and sand. Thonavar's grin faded as he recalled their mission.

"It is dawn on the third day", he said softly, looking up into the skies which were a light blue with a few clouds scattered here and there. It was as though the storm had never happened. "We must make it to Sanctum's gates today before last light."

"Aye", said Chaeron, nodding. He frowned and looked down to the ground.

"What do you think?" he mumbled.

"What?" asked Thonavar, but he knew that Chaeron would ask him.

"Will Lyla be alright? Do you think she survived?" asked Chaeron softly, eyes still to the ground.

"I do not know. I can only hope she is safe or that she arrived at Sanctum's gates before us", said Thonavar grimly. "I do not know why she abandoned us but she did what she did. Come now. We must make haste. Only the gods know who else survived that terrible storm."

Chaeron's eyes darted to the steps below. But there was no sign of any movement. Chaeron's fears of an imaginary Gargan leaping up the steps, grinning cruelly, dissipated immediately. Breathing a sigh of relief, he tore his eyes away from searching the steps below and came up beside Thonavar who nodded.

"Do you feel strong enough?" asked Thonavar.

Chaeron grinned. Thonavar smiled back.

"Aye, we are near. I can feel it. Sanctum is close and this gives me strength", said Chaeron, his eyes brimming with determination.

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