Chapter 52 - Secret Meeting

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Chapter 52

Secret Meeting

- ­They gathered around the fire and talked in low voices -

The moon hung in the sky above, full and heavy, bathing the lands below in a soft glow. Thousands of stars twinkled across the black expanse of the sky. Crickets chirped and sang softly and somewhere around the abandoned courtyard of stone, an owl hooted. Two boys stood in the middle of the courtyard, next to a broken fountain which had long ceased its gurgle. The atmosphere was tense and secretive.

"Where is she? She is supposed to be here by now". 

"Be quiet, Charo. She will come. But we must not be caught. The instructors are about tonight", said Thonavar, who sat on a nearby rock while Chaeron paced up and down impatiently. At this, Chaeron stopped pacing and remained very still, eyes darting around the abandoned courtyard.

Thonavar chuckled softly.

"What do you laugh about?" asked Chaeron quizzically.

"Stopping your pacing will not make a difference", said Thonavar, shaking his head. "If but the softest sliver of noise entered the ear of an instructor passing a mile from this place, he or she would be here within minutes. You do know what would happen then, do you not? We would be caught and perhaps lashed by the whip tomorrow morning in the square. Moreover, it would most likely be a public lashing. Just like those two boys who attempted to escape last week. Somehow, the instructors had known...".

Chaeron's eyes narrowed in fear and he blinked rapidly, nodding his head. 

"But do not worry", said Thonavar quickly, seeing that Chaeron was becoming ashen-faced. "We are not attempting to escape. At most, the punishment would be physical labour or exercise. Furthermore, no one comes to this place. The instructors do not use it anymore for training purposes. Of this I am sure. Moreover, Malcus does not punish unjustly."

"But it is not Biron Malcus I fear. It is his cruel-looking comrade. That man is evil", said Chaeron, looking at Thonavar. "His name escapes me."

"His name is Daggard", said Thonavar, nodding slowly. "Yes, the man intimidates many."

"Aye. Craniam Daggard. Rumors have been circulating, from one host to another, from one session to the next, about the man. According to the strories, he was once a great fighter. But concerned about his lust for battle and violence, the Council sought an audience with him and arranged for him to teach and to train young pupils. They then appointed him chief instructor and sent him here", said Chaeron seriously. "He had no choice but to obey the Council's command. I have heard that he would rather be on the field than here teaching...children."

"Well, only time will tell what or who he truly is and his purpose here. But for now, we must learn to live under the yoke of the instructors. They are sharp and cunning individuals, skilled in their class. The majority of them are cruel and require a high level of discipline and obedience", said Thonavar, deep in thought. "But so long as we...". Thonavar did not finish his sentence and grew quiet as the sound of footsteps approached, echoing around the stone walls of the abandoned courtyard. Thonavar drew back into the shadows while Chaeron quickly moved to hide behind a withering tree. The tip of a shadow appeared by the entrance to the courtyard of stone, growing longer in the moonlight, as it approached.

"It is me", said Lyla, stepping into the courtyard. Her eyes scanned the seemingly empty courtyard.

At the sound of her voice, Thonavar stepped out from the shadows and Chaeron crept out from behind the tree. The two boys stared at her and she at them. Chaeron's face broke into a wide grin. Lyla smiled and moved toward them, embracing Chaeron and then Thonavar. The two boys returned her embrace, albeit awkwardly.

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