Chapter 92 - The Beyonder

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Chapter 92

The Beyonder

- Mighty kingdoms exist in the realms of beyond unbeknownst and forgotten -

"I knew that man", said Thonavar, as he trudged up yet another grassy hill.

He was glad to have left the dark and barren landscape of shifting sands and dry air behind. A few days had passed since they had left HavenGuarde. Their departure from the city was swift and stepping out from the protection of the curtain, Thonavar immediately felt the difference in quality of air and temperature. The two had tossed their robes to the wind, wearing light tunics that hugged close to the body. Thonavar's gauntlets hung from his belt on each side and Felix's slender blade was strapped across his back along with a small backpack. Thonavar wondered how Felix had fit so many things upon his back, disguising it so well within his robes.  

Crossing the toxic wasteland outside the city was arduous and at times, a torture. Apart from the thick smog and poisonous fumes, he had lost count of how many electric storms they had braved. At one point, while crossing a sand dune, an electric storm had gathered above them in a matter of seconds and they had suddenly found themselves under the barrage of unpredictable bolts of erratic blue and green electrical energy. Felix had saved Thonavar's life on many occasion, at one point throwing himself at the boy, shielding him with his boy as a bolt of energy struck the ground where he had been standing, leaving a blackened mark and a burning smell. For this, Thonavar was eternally grateful to the man.

It had been two days of continuous travel from the city of HavenGuarde when the clouds ended and the sun broke through, enveloping Thonavar in a warmth he had long forgotten. From this point, the landscape changed drastically. Patches of green grass and clumps of bushes gradually become flowing fields of green and colourful flora and fauna. Tall and strong trees appeared in the horizon, heralding large swathes of forestland. Felix and Thonavar had found a nearby stream where they had found food and water. But they did not tarry long and after replenishing their energies, they continued their journey with speed, eager to reach their destination.  

"What?" said Felix sharply, his thoughts were on something else and he had barely caught what Thonavar had said. "What man?"

"The white-faced man in red. He wore a strange hat and held a scepter. The man that appeared upon the battlements, throwing the Scientists into confusion. Do you not remember?"

"Ah, I remember," said Felix. "All too well." 

"I knew him. I met him", repeated Thonavar, stopping to catch his breath. The hill was steep and they had been climbing for over an hour now.

"You...met him?" repeated Felix, with a look of incredulity. He too stopped, pausing to catch his breath.

"Yes", replied Thonavar. "In the Dreamscape. During the Testing."

"Ah!", exclaimed Felix, a look of understanding passing across his face. "I see."

"What is it?"

"Boy, there are many things unknown in this world. Even to me", began Felix, his voice deep and solemn. "And I have travelled far and wide in search of answers to many questions. As I left the scene upon the battlements, the question nagged in my mind. But the answer is now apparent."

"What is it then?" 

"That is no living organism we did leave behind, but a creation of technology. A technovirus."

"A technovirus?"

"Yes, and a powerful one", nodded Felix, and he gestured for Thonavar to continue climbing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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