Chapter 48 - Chambers

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Chapter 48


-The secret disguise behind the lies-

The boy walked down the stone corridor. His pulse was racing. His palms were moist. He was bone weary for his travels had exhausted him but nevertheless determined to see the end of it. Why am I here? Why was I sent here?

The passageway was lit by torches that burned with a strange orange fire. The boy walked on. His face was pale and covered in sweat and black dirt. His body was racked with fatigue and it took great mental effort to prevent his mind from wandering. Suddenly, the corridor branched out into two separate hallways. One was also lit with torches but the other was lit with candles.

Take the hallway lit by candle.

The boy walked confidently down his chosen hallway. There were many large and tall statues of proud men and women lining the hallway. However, some of these statues displayed strange words. The boy could barely make them out in the dim glow. One statue of a massive man wielding two fearsomes blade caught the boy's eye with the words engraved on his head: Be not afeard, for Light conquereth all that standeth in darkness.

Suddenly, the corridor ended and a black door stood in front of him.

The boy knocked on the door and waited. There was no response. 

He rapped hard on the door. This time he whispered the words as instructed:


The door opened sightly and light filtered through the small opening of the doorway. A low growl issued from behind the door. Startled, the boy took a step back but held his ground.

The door opened and light illuminated the hallway for a brief second before being eclipsed by a tall hooded figure enveloped in a dark cloak. The figure had its head bowed as though in prayer and did not move or flinch, barring the way through, obstructing passage to the interior. The boy could not see its face which was hidden within the depths of the black hood. The boy took a step forward but a sharp and aggressive hissing sound emerged from within the depts of the figure's cowl. The figure's head shifted toward him and the boy could sense the threatening intent beneath the hood that masked its eyes.

But the figure continued to wait. The figure's head shifted to slightly to one side. Then in one fluid motion, a long blade appeared in its hands, pointing directly at the boy. The figure's hood fell back a little and the boy stepped back in fear. Within the depths of the hood, a pair of luminous red eyes could be seen for a brief moment. But the hood fell back over its head and its eyes remained hidden once more.

"Stay your blade Marcus", spoke another voice from within the room. "I have business with the boy. Please, let him in."

Though the voice had come from far inside the room, the boy could hear that it was a sad and full of weariness. It sounded familiar to the boy who proceeded to walk forward with confidence.

The figure stepped back from the boy and with a similar fluid motion, the long blade disappeared from his hands. The door opened and light filled the dimly lit hallway. The boy squinted in the light but took a step forward. The figure stepped aside, allowing the boy into the room. The door closed softly and the hooded guard once more took his place, watching the door. 

The room was extravagantly furnished, all in red and black colours. The floor was a red marble. The marble was so polished that the boy could see his own red reflection.

A tall man in black robes stood at the far end of the room. He stood in front of a large black fireplace. A small fire was burning and there was a faint smell of smoke. The man had his back to the boy.

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