Chapter 46

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Leigh has Vivienne’s three new guards, Louis, Gordon, and Terry, standing in the guard room. This is their orientation.

“Alright. You three have been chosen to help protect one of the most powerful women in Oakland, Vivienne Reid. When you have this job, your loyalty is to her. You cannot be friends with cops, politicians, anyone that has legal influence.” he says.

They all nod at Leigh and Chris looks at them, “Leigh is the lead guard. I’m second in command. You three will just be added to the team unless something happens and you get moved up. Believe it or not, you get different responsibilities.” he says.

“Like what?” Louis asks. “For example, since I’m lead guard, I’m always with Vivienne during meets. I helped pick you guys out. Chris stays back when there’s a meet. One of you will be with him. Other two will be keeping an eye out. It’s all part of the job. It’s a good job to have. This isn't a job where all you need to care about is pay. You get paid generously, for your hard work. That’s what is expected of you.” Leigh says.

“What’s it like to work for Ms. Reid?” Gordon asks. Leigh chuckles and shakes his head, “First, don't call her ‘Ms. Reid’. Her name is Vivienne. Second, you don't work for Vivienne. You work with her.” he says.

Gordon nods, “Sorry.” he says. Leigh rolls his eyes, “Don't shy away, alright? You have to be confident in this job. Gotta have some balls.” he says. Terry clears his throat, “Okay, what is it like to work with Vivienne?” he asks.

“Personally, I’ve had some shit jobs in the past. When I found her, I began to enjoy working. She treats you with respect. You earn her trust. That brings me to another thing: Don't expect her to be completely friendly with you in the beginning. We may have vetted you completely, but she’ll have a fragment of mistrust. It's your duty to get rid of that. She either trusts you 100% or not at all. No in-between. Got it?” Leigh says.

“Some other things you need to know. Don't get involved in her personal life. Currently, she’s in a relationship. Don't judge her, don't give her pointers on how to conduct that relationship. Give her the independence she so greatly radiates off of her.” Chris says. They all nod and Leigh looks at all of them, and then back at Chris.

“If you have a problem with her, don't call her out in front of people. Do it in private. Any one of you embarrasses her, not only will she be fuming, but we’ll throw you out. Long story short, respect earns respect. Trust earns trust. To work with Vivienne Reid means exactly that. Work with her.” Chris says.

They all nod at Chris. Leigh looks at them, “Are you ready to meet her?” he asks. They nod and Leigh leaves the room and they all follow, Chris right behind them.

Vivienne is sitting at her desk looking at her computer and she hears a knock on her door. She looks over and sees Leigh walk in, “Vivienne. We have your three new security team members.” he says.

He steps aside and lets them all in and shuts the door. “Vivienne, this is Louis, Gordon, and Terry. Gentlemen, this is Vivienne Reid.” he says.

Vivienne stands up with a stern look on her face and walks up to them all. She looks at them all and they get worried looks on their faces.

She smiles, “It’s lovely to meet you. Welcome to the team. Thank you for joining us. It means a lot, coming from me.” she says.

They all nod and shake hands with her. “First task for you three: A meeting with the Sons of Anarchy and the Mayans M.C.” she says.


Jax and Marcus Alvarez are sitting outside of his store in Stockton. “Where is she?” Marcus asks. Jax looks at him, “She’ll be here. Just be patient, man.” he replies.

After a moment, two black SUVs pull up and park on the other side of the street. Leigh and Chris get out of the first one and Chris lets Vivienne out. Leigh walks around the car and walks with Vivienne across the street to Jax and Marcus.

Chris beckons the rest of the guys over to him. “Terry, you’re with me. Lou, Gordon, you guys keep an eye on the perimeter. Go. But stay in our sights.” he says.

Louis and Gordon nod and go to look around and Chris and Terry lean against the cars.

Jax and Marcus stand up as Vivienne and Leigh make it over. “Vivienne. Good to see you, again.” Jax says as he shakes her hand.

Vivienne nods and looks at Marcus, “Vivienne, this is Marcus Alvarez. Founding member and President of the Mayans M.C.” Jax says.

Vivienne smiles lightly, “Good to meet you, Mr. Alvarez.” she says. Alvarez nods and shakes her hand. He gestures for her to take a seat and she does, Leigh standing next to her.

“I understand that this meeting is about the One-Niners and territorial issues, if that’s what you want to call it.” Vivienne says.

“Jax told me that you might have influence with Tyler. They have their own corners and my crew isn't looking to take them. We just want to expand our area a little, but Tyler is getting defensive.” he says.

Vivienne nods, “You do know that I am the one supplying the drugs they sell?” she asks.

Marcus nods, “I’m well-aware. I also know that you have an alliance with the Niners and you have lots of power in Oakland.” he says.

Vivienne nods, “That’s right. You’re dealing with the H.B.I.C now.” she says as she raises a brow and smirks at him.

Marcus chuckles, “I just want the Niners to stop fighting us. We don't want bloodshed.” he says.

Vivienne chuckles, “I don't want that, either. I’ll make you a deal, Mr. Alvarez. I’ll speak with the Niners about that peace in the streets you want, as long your guys don't fight dirty. If I find that a member of the Niners died at the hands of a Mayan, things will get a lot worse before they get better.” she says.

Marcus scoffs and raises his brows, “That’s understandable. I’ll spread the word. Thank you.” he says.

Vivienne nods, and stands up. He stands up with her, as well as Jax. The three of them shake hands with each other and Vivienne walks back over to her cars. “How did it go?” Chris asks.

Louis and Gordon make their way back to the cars. She looks at them and then back at Chris, “We have to speak to the Niners about easing off the Mayans. They claim they don't want bloodshed.” she says.

“You believe them?” Terry asks. Vivienne looks back at them, and then back at Terry. “I’m not entirely sure. We’ll have to see.” she says.

Force To Be Reckoned With [Happy Lowman x OC] | #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now