Hunting Time

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You carefully pushed away the circular piece of metal and emerged into the brisk night air. You did a through glance around the perimeter to make sure none of those creatures were near. Once you were sure that everything was safe, you started your search for food. There wasn't much in an alley way, but you didn't want to take an even bigger risk by walking on the sidewalk. Your eyes landed on a nearby dumpster.

That'll have to work 

You cautiously lifted the heavy lid, desperately trying to not make a sound. As you rummaged around looking for thing other than moldy bread and have eaten granola bars you couldn't help but thing of how things were before the take over. You were only twelve when it happened and you were eighteen now, but you still remember it like it was yesterday. And now this is what you've been reduced to. Alone, in the dark and cold, and hungry, this wasn't living, this was surviving. There are times when you yourself wouldn't know why you even bothered staying alive. Discovery was inevitable and even if you died before they found you, you would have died alone with absolutely no purpose. You were so lost in your own thoughts you didn't here footsteps approaching from around the corner.  

Taehyung couldn't sleep. It was 2 am and he needed to get out of the house. He slipped into some jeans and a black hoodie and left his house. He needed a walk to clear his head but it made no sense to him. Why? Why did he feel the need to clear his head? It's not like he had a tough life anymore. After the hierarchy was established, he didn't need to work a day in his life. By law, he was given the best of everything. He had money, a nice house, cars, everything, but no one to share it with. True, he had the guys. But it wasn't the same. The fact that he was unmated also played a part in it, he figured. He had no idea how long he was walking for but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of construction just a couple blocks away.

Who the hell does construction at this time of night? 

He was about to turn back around, but then heard a sudden noise. It sounded like, crying? His furry ears twitched and his nose picked up on strange smell. It was as if a scent that was naturally sweet smelling was rolled around in a pig sty. He peaked his head around the corner around to see from where it was being emitted. His eyes landed on a petite figure digging through the garbage. Taehyung felt his heart ache as his tail drooped. He knew the new government didn't help everyone, but he had never seen another hybrid so poor that they had to dig through dirty left overs. He stepped towards the person and saw that it was a female. Her black hair looked as if it hadn't been combed in months. She was wearing an over-sized black and red flannel shirt, light blue leggings that were way to small for her, and tacky green flip-flops. He continued to stare at her  profile until something caught his eyes. Ears. Human ears and she had no tail, either. Taehyung was shocked, he thought all of the humans had either been killed or enslaved by other hybrids. His dark eyes sparkled in curiosity and wonder.

"Excuse me, miss?" Was all he could ask. The girl's face snapped in his direction and immediately paled. 

"Do you need some help? I have-" That's when she ran and disappeared into a hole in the ground.

"What the?!" Taehyung ran to the hole and saw an entrance to a sewer. He could hear her footsteps from below running away and her panting. It gave him an adrenaline rush. A slight grin tugged at the corner of his lips.

It's hunting time.  

You could feel panic surge through your body as you ran in desperation. trying to lose the creature following you. He had jumped in about ten seconds after you and chased after you keeping a considerable distance between between you two. Far enough away so that if you looked behind your shoulder you wouldn't see him, but close enough you could hear him trying, yet failing to keep his laughter quiet. He was playing with you. Hybrids are way faster and stronger than humans and their senses were heightened to the maximum degree. He could've easily snatched you the moment his feet hit the pavement to chase you, but he didn't, which could only mean that he playing around with you. You knew it and he knew that you knew it, which was scary. 

You kept running for several minutes. You didn't even really know where you were or where you were going, but you were trying to lead him away from your hideout. Suddenly, your vision blurred and your legs became numb. Your lack of food finally took a toll on you and your adrenaline was all used up. You began to stumble as you ran and you could hear your pursuer giggle.

"You're getting tired? Don't run anymore, little one. I won't hurt you." His deep voice echoed from behind her.

Yeah right, you thought to yourself

You forced yourself to keep your eyes open, but unfortunately that couldn't help your dimming eyesight. At this point, your whole body was aching. You could feel your bodily systems shutting down and you body going into self destruct mode. You weren't going to make it. But you already knew that from the start, didn't you? A few seconds later, your knees buckled causing gravity to pull you straight toward the raw sewage. Great. If you didn't get devoured by the beast behind you, then you could drown in bodily waste and who knows what else. Suddenly, you felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap protectively around your waist and gently pull you towards their person.

"Got you. It'll be alright now." 

His voice was the last thing you heard before entering total darkness.    

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