Kiss and Make-up

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Taehyung stroked Y/n's hair as she laid on his bed sound asleep. It was about four in the morning and Taehyung was thinking back to the events of the night.


Taehyung walked upon a sight he never wanted to see. Four men surrounding his helpless kitten, with one who was about to rape her. The rage within him had reached its peak. There was no way he going easy on them.

"THAT KITTEN BELONGS TO ME. LET GO OF HER RIGHT NOW!" Taehyung felt a sudden rush of Adrenaline and knew his tiger side was taking over. Claws stemmed from his fingertips, his teeth grew sharper, and his eyes turned red. The men tried to run, but it was too late for any kind of safety for them. He caught up with them in less than three seconds. He reached out and snatched two of them by their necks and lifted them off the ground. They let out gurgled screams or tried to, as he began to slowly crush their windpipes.

"P-please Lord Kim, have mercy!" Said the one who was begging for his comrades' lives to be spared. 

"Hmmm," Taehyung pretended to think, "No."

He laughed maniacally as he squeezed thew throats of his hostages causing them to have mini explosions, splattering blood everywhere. He was glad Y/n wasn't awake to see him in this state. If he thinks he is a monster when he lets his animal form take control, the Y/n definitely would. The remaining men, the leader and the one who pleaded, let out ear piercing screams and tried to run. Taehyung chuckled.

"You don't seriously think you can outrun me?" 

He grabbed them by their collars and contemplated on what to do with them. Suddenly a bright light shone on his face.

"What do you think you're do- oh Lord Kim! What brings you out this late at night?" The officer glanced around trying to take in the situation, his squad car parked at the end of the alleyway. Taehyung smirked, knowing just what to do. 

"These men have offended me very personally. I want you to put them in the arena and reserve the entire arena for me tomorrow."

"Yes Lord Kim!" the young officer already pulling out handcuffs then looked at the two headless bodies on the ground and grimaced, "what should I do with these?"

"Have someone come out here and clean it up." Taehyung ordered. He dropped the two men and laughed, "Enjoy your last hours on Earth boys." He heard the cries as he turned back to his kitten, still passed out on the ground. Seeing Y/n's tear stained face and shivering, half naked figure made Taehyung want to hide her away from the world for the rest of their lives. She did nothing wrong, yet this is what she gets. If Taehyung had come literally one second later, that bastard would have succeeded in raping her. He pulled out her collar from his pocket, putting it gently around her neck, covering the obvious hickeys and picked her up bridal style.

"Let's go home." He whispered.

He hadn't been walking for more than five minutes when Y/n suddenly jerked in his arms and began struggling. He wasn't sure if she was actually awake or if she was still asleep.

"Shh, shh, calm down kitten." He soothed, "I have you it's all right." 

"Don't touch me!" the girl shrieked.

That was like a stab to the chest, but he supposed he deserved it. She was continuing to fight him and cry out. Taehyung, in a desperate attempt to calm her, did something without really thinking. He pulled her forward and planted a warm steady kiss on Y/n's lips. She immediately responded to it which surprised him. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't go as far with it as he wanted to, out of respect for her and the situation she was just in especially. But it seemed Y/n was the one making it deeper. Right when he was about to insert his tongue, the response stopped. He pulled back worried that it really wasn't what she wanted and that he had pushed the limit, only to find her sleeping again. 

Cute, he smiled to himself and continued on his way.

                                                                *End of Flashback*

Taehyung got under the sheets with her, but maintained a good distance between them. He didn't want her to misinterpret what happened. His mind thought back to the kiss they shared for the hundredth time that hour. He felt like his lips were still buzzing from the heat their kiss made. He was convinced. He loved her. He loved Y/n. He was sure of it. But there were a lot of things to take into account. Hybrids and humans courting rituals were completely different from each other. But more importantly, it would be harder to get closer to her because of how he had behaved earlier and her almost rape. He'd have to start all over again, regain her lost trust, which he didn't mind if it meant getting her in his arms again. And he knew just how to start.

You groaned as you stirred slowly opening your eyes, blinking several times trying to get bearing of your surroundings. This place is familiar. Taehyung's room? Yes it was, you were sure of it. The sunlight streamed through the window. The same way it had the first morning you had spent here. You could almost laugh at how strange it was that all this happened over a course of two days. The door opened, revealing Taehyung as handsome as ever, holding a steaming bowl. You smiled softly feeling too nervous after what happened to feel comfortable. Then you thought to how he saved you from them. You could only remember bits and pieces, but once again, he was your hero. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Taehyung asked gently as he made his way over to the bed. You nodded.

"Are you hungry?"

Your stomach answered for your this time, making noises as if on cue, making Taehyung and you smile.

"That's alright. I have something here for you." He dipped the spoon into the bowl pulling it out revealing a tempting looking broth.

"What is it?" You asked curiously.

He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and answered, "Vegetable soup, kitten."

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