The Emergency Meeting

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"Riiing Riing"


The tiger hybrid groaned as he lazily rolled to the side of his bed to grab his phone. Without looking at the caller ID, answered it.

"What the hell do you want?! It's fucking 6 in the morning!"

"Lord Kim Taehyung.." The authoritative voice on the other end replied briskly.

"President Kim?" Taehyung recognized the man's voice immediately.

"Yes boy, it's me. There is a council meeting in an hour I expect you to be there. We have something to discuss with you." 

The man then abruptly hung up, leaving Taehyung confused. 

"Okay then..." He muttered. Taehyung lazily rose from the bed and went to take a shower.

What could they possibly want to discuss, he thought to himself. Kim Ha-Joon, Namjoon's father, had been Taehyung's guardian since the uprising, like an uncle to him really, but never had he sounded so cold before. What did he do?

*Magic Time Skip*

Taehyung adjusted the collar of his crisp black suit before entering the board room. He instantly was hit with a wave of tension as the cool air nipped at his nose. He took his seat at the long table and glanced around at the present faces. President Kim sat at the head of the table with a scowl, Jin looked worried, Namjoon sent him an apologetic look, while Yoongi was just smirking victoriously. There were more people, but before Taehyung could look at them the president spoke.

"Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung looked to the lion hybrid at the end who was already returning the gaze.

"Yes sir?"

"Yoongi has informed me that you have a new little pet, a human." The president said that word with so much distaste you could've sworn it was poisonous.

"Is it true?"

Taehyung frowned. So that's what this is about? He glared at the smug wolf hybrid who was really starting to piss him off.

"Yes it is true." He said without taking his eyes off his supposed friend.

Murmurs rose from the others on the council.

"So it's true."

"I knew he was trouble."


"Well I hear she's pretty at least."

"Silence!" barked the lion hybrid, " Kim Taehyung.."

Taehyung straightened his posture on hearing his name and gave the president his attention.

"Is it true," the man began, "that you plan to mate with that human?"

Collective gasps cam from around the room.

"That's blasphemy!"



"She must be pretty.."

"Shh let him answer."

Taehyung gulped, but never lost his composure.

"Yes I do."

The room became so silent you could hear a pen drop. No one moved, spoke, nor did anything, the entire Council of Dominant Predators was baffled.

"Why?" asked the president with a look of betrayal on his face. He had always thought of Taehyung as a son, so this was a stab to the heart.

"Why would you do this?"

Seeing his father figure so distressed made Taehyung's heart ache, but he didn't back down.

"I love her."

"Love," scoffed the president, "You love her? What the hell were you thinking?"

The look of scorn and disdain he received was enough the heart ache, Taehyung was tied between two people he deeply cared about. Taking a shaky breath, he stood to make his response.

"Think?" Taehyung laughed softly, "When or where did I think? I don't think I ever did. I didn't think to love her. I just...did."

Taehyung continued, "I couldn't help who I had connection with, just like Yoongi couldn't."

Yoongi bit his lip in anger at the mentioning at his old lover.

"Taehyung, my boy, is it really that big of a deal? Ha, do you even know what love is?" The older man asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Taehyung scoffed

"Are you really willing to risk having everything taken from you? If you continue with this little "high school love" crush, you will leave me no choice be to strip you of your money, power, status, maybe even your life." The president growled, "Are you willing to risk all of that for some human girl?"

Taehyung looked the challenger directly in the eyes and replied, "Yes, I am. And if you even had to ask that it makes me wonder, do you even know what love is?"

With that, Taehyung turned and walked away, leaving everyone speechless. Before he reached the door, the president stopped him.


"Yes?" responded Taehyung without turning his back.

"There is a gala tomorrow evening, bring her then."

Taehyung's ears perked up in curiosity.

"If she can prove that she belongs to our society, then.." the older man struggled with the last words, "I suppose I will take your love for her under consideration."

Taehyung faced the man who had practically raised him with hope filled eyes to see the man staring at him with gentle eyes.

"Thank you, sir." Taehyung bowed lowly and bolted from the room before the other could change his mind.

"Meeting adjourned." The president announced packing his things to go. But no one moved.

"Sir, were you serious?"

The president paused, then replied.

"I said...


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