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You slammed and locked the door to your new bedroom, with a face wet with fresh tears. You ran to your bed and sobbed on it's silky sheets. You can't believe what you just did.



Taehyung's smile faltered, "What?"

"No, or," You tried to explain your reasoning, but failed, "I d-don't know."

"Why?!" Taehyung had an expression that she had never seen on his face before, hurt. He felt she had betrayed him.

"I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT ME!"  He yelled gripping your shoulders.

"Ow Taehyung that hurts." You cried in pain, but he didn't listen.


He was shouting right in your face whilst y You still straddled him. Your eyes welled with tears and Taehyung laughed dryly when he saw them.


"I-I'm sorry Taehyung I just-"

"MASTER." He corrected coldly.

"W-What do you mean?" You asked fearfully

"If you aren't going to be my mate, then you won't be anymore than a pet to me." He glowered . At that moment, he harshly shoved you off his lap and stood up scowling down at you.

"I don't want to play with you anymore, little girl." Taehyung said in a patronizing voice. "Get out."

You sat there looking up at him with a shocked expression. Taehyung rolled his eyes at your disobedience and crouched down to your eye level.

"I said, GET OUT!" He growled in an animalistic tone. He picked you up by the collar, causing you shriek in fear, and shoved you harshly towards the door that lead to the hallway. 

                                                                                *Back To Present*

Taehyung stood outside Y/n's bedroom door listening to her sobs and soft whimpers. Hardly aware of his own tears streaming down his face, he thought back to how he had reacted to her response, silently cursing himself the whole time. He hurt his kitten, he repeated over and over. He wanted to rush in there and apologize immediately. He wanted to cuddle with her, hold her, comfort her, but he knew anything he did at this point, at least right now, would be completely out of line. Especially after all those harsh things he had said to her. Tigers didn't usually take it well if rejected by the female they were courting, but no, that wasn't an excuse was it? He wasn't an animal, he was a hybrid. Taehyung could've tried harder to control the instinct to lash out, but he didn't. Now the trust and admiration she had built up for him was most likely gone, with good reason. 

Besides that, there were more thought running through his head that troubled him. Why did she reject him? Was he not good enough? He cared for her, didn't he? He had money, looks, power, everything a female hybrid looked for in a mate. Another mistake on his part, Taehyung supposed. Y/n was a human, on that lived without care for many years, she couldn't possibly be as shallow as female hybrids. Something he loved about her. He looked to the door contemplating what to do. Y/n was still sobbing relentlessly, but he couldn't bring himself to walk in. True, he was feeling extremely guilty, but above all else, he was completely heartbroken. Y/n had hurt him with that one word and it pained him more than all the torture he had received from humans in that cursed lab all those years ago. Eventually, he walked into his own room and ashamedly let his own sobs echo through the corridors, utterly heartbroken.

You had no idea how long you had been sleeping, but you guessed you had drifted while crying. You looked to the mounted clock on the wall.

2:34 am, it read.

You wiped your eyes and walked to the bathroom. You looked awful, bags under your eyes, face puffy and slightly damp, and your cloths were  disheveled. You washed your face while thinking of what to do. You had no idea what might be waiting for you in the morning if you stayed here any longer. The Taehyung you saw yesterday, was no doubt a complete monster. Totally different from the one who had been looking at you with such doting eyes and spoon feeding you vegetable soup. You had to get out. You took off your precious collar and laid it on the bed. Then crept out of the room into the dark hallways as silently as possible. Taehyung's door was closed and locked, nothing but silence being emitted from inside and all around her. She used this as her opportunity and ran.

The brisk early morning air chilled your arms as you walked down the alleyway. You forgot that you left the sweater that covered the tank top in the living room. It didn't matter, you were almost home. Back to the sewer for you. At least it didn't yell. You were so engrossed that you didn't hear several pairs of footsteps following behind you until a voice called.

"Hey sweetheart!"

You froze. You didn't know how else to get out of this other than running, but they quickly caught up and grabbed you by both arms. There were four male hybrids pinning you down and you were terrified.

"Don't run, we just want- wait are you a human?"

"Looks like it." said another. The leader let out a low whistle.

"I haven't seen one in years. Where have you been hiding, hm?" 

You didn't respond.

He shrugged, "Doesn't matter I guess, you'll be dead by morning."

This made your eyes widen with fear, now attempting to thrash around and be set free.

"Wait," said one, "Didn't Kim Taehyung adopt a new female human? Could this be her?"

"She isn't wearing a collar," pointed out another.

"It doesn't matter!" Snapped the leader, "She's here now and there's no tiger in sight."

You started crying.

"Oh don't worry," the leader cooed, "I'll have some fun with you first dollface. Hold her still."

He began to unbuckle his pants and you started crying and screaming harder.

"Haha, don't even try, it's no use. No one will here you scream," he smirked darkly, "or moan."

One of his friends began tugging your skirt down and they began their play. One forcefully held you down while one began sucking your neck and another started groping your breast. Completely against you're will, you let out a small moan. You hated it. Suddenly, you felt your underwear get ripped off. You looked down and saw the leader staring at your most intimate part. He was right. No one would hear you scream and no one did. You wished you were dead.

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