The Grand Ballroom

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As soon as you and Taehyung entered the magnificent ballroom, all eyes were on you. The servant who was collecting invitations announced your names to the crowd of dominant predators.

"I announce the arrival of Lord Kim Taehyung and Lady Kim Y/n!"

Murmurs rose from the crowd as you walked arm and arm with Taehyung down the marble stairs to the polished floor below. Terrified didn't even come close enough to describe the way you were feeling at the moment, but then Taehyung's words rang through your ears.

"I'm always going to be right beside you, Kitten."

It soothed you to the point where your heart wasn't about to burst out of your chest anymore, but your eyes were still laced with fear. And they could see it. But even better, they could smell it. The top predators seemed to part a way for you and Taehyung which, by the looks everyone was sending you, would lead to your impending doom.

"Stay close." The tiger beside you warned for the hundredth time that night.

"I-I know." 

"Y/n! Taehyung! I'm so glad you were able to make it." You looked to see Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, and Yoongi rapidly approaching from the crowd. With one strict look at the observing crowd from Namjoon, they returned to talking among themselves, giving you guys more privacy in conversation.

"We're happy to be here." Taehyung beamed.

"Hi Noona!" Jungkook squealed as he gave her an aggressive hug, ignoring Taehyung's darkened gaze.

"Hi Kookie," you greeted pulling him closer, his warmth giving you more comfort, "Where are Jimin and Hoseok?"

"They aren't here. They are Predators, but this party is only for the Dominant or Top Predator class."

You glanced up at his bunny ears, then back at his face.

"Aren't you like... Prey?"

Jungkook chuckled, "Oh yeah, haha, that's true, but I'm a special case. See when the hybrids first took control, my father, being the fearless bunny he was, took part in one of the first waves of rebellion and helped Taehyung and Namjoon's fathers in the uprising against humans. For that, after the rebellion was successful, my father and all his descendants, me, were granted Dominant Predator status."

"Wow," I praised, "I'm impressed."

Jungkook twitched his ears in delight, "Thank you, I am too."

You both shared a good laugh then looked back to the other three who were trying to carry on a conversation with Taehyung, but he was too busy death glaring Jungkook.

"Oops, looks like I made your matey mad."

I blushed and re-wrapped my arm around Taehyung's giving him reassurance. For the nest thirty minutes, you stood there listening to all them talk business, politics, sports, pretty much everything you knew nothing about nor cared to learn, Eventually, Jungkook noticed your bored face and gently pulled you aside, gaining questioning looks from the other four.

"Y/n looks hungry and I am too. We're gonna check out the buffet table." He told them before pulling me through the crowd not waiting for a response.

"YOU BETTER TAKE CARE OF HER!" Taehyung's voice rose above all the others, not only reaching the ears of Jungkook, but everyone else. Suddenly, the attention was on you all over again.

"Geez, hyung I will," Jungkook muttered, "Not like I'm going to let them put her on the buffet table."


"C'mon I'm starving."

He expertly navigated you through the crowd of fancily clad lions, bears, and cougars.

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