Right Beside You

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"May I begin, Miss?" The maid asked as you sat down at the vanity in your bedroom.

"I suppose."

The maid was doing your make-up and hair for the gala per Taehyung's instructions. You continued to space out as she asked for your preferences, but honestly, you were too nervous to even think about your appearance. What the hell was going to happen there? Taehyung had told you that you were attending an annual party for dominant predators, which had made your anxiety worse. After seeing how Yoongi, and the store clerk reacted to you, you were certain that you would definitely not be the most popular person there.

"May I ask you something?" The maid asked suddenly, gaining your attention.

"Uh- yeah sure."

"Are you Mr.Kim's mate? I mean you smell like you are, but it's not as strong as it would be. Has he not marked you yet?"

You didn't have to look in the mirror to know there was a blooming blush across you cheeks. 

"Haha," You laughed nervously at the curious maid, "No, I'm afraid not."

A slight frown graced the maid's face, "Really? I could've sworn I smelled a mate scent,  but I guess I'm wrong."

"Yeah, hehe I guess so."

The maid went back to fixing your hair and you went back you into your thoughts of woe. Sure, you'd most likely be with Taehyung the whole time, but what if there's another confrontation?You really didn't want to know what would happen if a fight broke out between Taehyung and dominant predators with his same power and strength. The possibilities were endless.

Taehyung waited at the bottom of the staircase for his date. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous to introduce her to the rest of the "high society". He also knew that Namjoon's father had something up his sleeve, but he couldn't exactly pick out what. 

"I'm ready." The sudden voice beside him was startling. He then turned to see the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on. It was Y/n, of course, but wearing the dress he had specially chosen. Her eyes were complimented greatly by the eyeliner she was wearing. It made the color of her eyes stand out even more, giving then a sultry look. 

"Wow, Y/n. You look dazzling." Taehyung said with a smile. Y/n shook her head in disagreement, looking away with a slight blush. But Taehyung had meant every word of it and he had no intention of letting her go out underestimating her beauty. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear as he grabbed her arm to lead her out to the car.

"I mean it. You're absolutely breathtaking."

They had only been in the car for five minutes and it's entire interior was filled with the smell of Y/n's fear. Taehyung watched as she squirmed in her seat, twiddled her thumbs, and, as always, looked out the window. On any other day, this would irk him. He never understood what she got from looking out in wonder at the same scenery from the day before. However, he did nothing to draw her attention away this time. He could smell her emotional change into one of serenity as her eyes watched the world passed by. If it made her calm, then it wouldn't hurt to let her not pay attention to him for a little bit. Even though it stung his childish side.

"How do you think they'll feel about me?" She inquired all of a sudden, instantly receiving his attention. Taehyung thought about it for a second and sighed. The girl glanced over waiting for his response.

"Honestly, I can't tell for sure, " He admitted finally, "I mean, I know of some who you should DEFINITELY stay away from. But as for the others, they seem more curious."


"Well they haven't seen a human in years. They want to know if they can truly accept you into  the community. If so, then we'll have their blessing."


Taehyung chuckled. He hadn't taught her much about the hybrid world outside of heats, mating, and collars.

Way to go, Taehyung.

"Whenever there is a newcomer, especially one seen as a potential mate, arrives, it is imperative that they be introduced to the others of the same class. That's why, every year, there is this party where dominant predators get together and sometimes introduce the newcomers. Prey and Predators have a party too."

"Sounds a little intimidating to me." Y/n conceded

Taehyung nodded, "It tends to be. This is the only party I usually go to, however, so I try to be on my best behavior when I'm there. It's easy to start fights among the upper class. There's too much pride."

You pondered that a little.

This should be fun

"We've arrived Y/n." Taehyung announced, holding his hand out to her, which she gently accepted and walked with him to the front doors of an enormous mansion.

This was it. The time had come.

"Take a deep breath," Taehyung soothed me with his deep voice.

"And remember,




I'm always going to be right beside you, Kitten."

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