Vegetable Soup

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The sunlight streaming through the window onto your closed eyelids woke you the next morning. Your eyes fluttered open as you took in the unfamiliar surroundings. 

"Where am I?" You muttered

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"Where am I?" You muttered. Last thing you remembered..actually you can't exactly remember much. The last moment you could clearly think of was when were being chased through the sewers by a-

"Good Morning!" A cheerful voice exclaims as the door flies open.

You turn to see your worst nightmare beaming widely at you from the doorway. A hybrid. You couldn't hide your look of disgust and fear as he happily skipped towards you. He seemed completely different than last night. 

"I am so happy you finally woke up!" He cried as he pounced on the bed causing the mattress to jerk and toss you on the floor.

"OW." You groaned.

"Oops." He quickly went around to the other side to help you up. Despite his best efforts, you smacked his hands away.


"I-i'm sorry." He stuttered. His eyes looked down in guilt and his ears laid flat on his head.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just too excited." He whispered.

 As much as you despised hybrids, you couldn't help but feel your heart melt at this one. He seemed so genuine. It was an accident you suppose. You had heard of hybrids who liked and wanted to help humans, but you still didn't let your guard down completely. 

"It's alright, I guess." You replied. The hybrids orange-ish pointy ears on the top of his head perked up at the sound of that and his matching tail swayed.

"I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung the tiger hybrid. What's your name?" He asked cautiously trying not to alarm her.


"That's a really pretty name." He smiled brightly.

"Uh-thanks. Now tell me Taehyung. What am I doing here?"

Taehyung took a deep breath then said, "I saw you in the alley way looking for food. I wanted to help you out, but you just ran. I chased in the sewer until you passed out, which reminds me," he holds up a bowl of steaming soup that I hadn't noticed before, "You need to eat."

As much as you wanted to refuse and get the hell away from there, you had to ask.

"What kind?" You asked gesturing to the hot bowl.

"Vegetable soup."

You almost gagged. You hated vegetables in general, regardless of whether they were in a soup o not, but it would be extremely ungrateful to say such a thing. But Taehyung had already caught on to your expression.

"You don't like vegetables?" He giggled

"Not particularly." I aid eyeing the bowl. Instead of getting angry, Taehyung smiled and pinched your cheeks.

"Aww. Your just like a little kid. I'll tell you what. If you eat this, I'll bring you something else, but I can't guarantee that it won't have at least one vegetable. You need to get plenty of fruits and vegetables to regain your strength. Okay?" 

He sounded like a father trying to convince his stubborn child to eat with the same expression and tone as one as well. 


"Good girl, now open wide." Taehyung held the spoon up to your face. You were going to protest and kindly inform him that you could feed yourself, but your body moved on its own. You leaned forward instinctively and took it into your mouth. The taste of potatoes, carrots, and spinach invaded your taste buds. Not bad, not bad at all. You scarfed down the whole thing without any further hesitation as Taehyung fed you and stared at you with a caring expression. 

"Want some more, kitten?" He asked gently looking at you in the eyes. You don't know where that nickname came from but you honestly didn't care. You nodded with pleading eyes. 

"Then stay right here, little one." He stood and walked out of the room.

After three more bowls, you'd come to find that vegetable soup wasn't all that bad. Especially with Taehyung feeding you. You hated to admit it, but you didn't want this to end. Seeing Taehyung go to such great lengths to take care of you gave you a warm feeling. One that you hadn't felt in years.


You look up at him while still savoring the last bit of soup in your mouth.


"I wanted to ask you something." He fiddled with the hem of his shirt nervously.

"Yes?" You were all ears now.

"Can you- I mean, would you like to-I mean I really-agh!" He groaned in frustration as he struggled with his words. He looked over to still see you patiently waiting for his question. He started again.

"Y/n, I know we just met and kind of got of to a weird start, but you can't live out there own your own forever. If you don't get discovered,then you'll most likely starve. It gets really lonely around here and I do have friends, but it's not the same. And I know tigers are supposed to be solitary creatures, but I'd really like it if you stayed here with me."

You opened your mouth to speak, but were promptly cut off.

"Please let me finish," he begged, "I promise I'll take care of you! And no one can take you away because I'm one of the most powerful hybrid in the city. No one dares to question or challenge me. So please stay. I want to be friends. You can have your own room and as much food as you want. So please don't leave." 

He closed his eyes at the end of his rant waiting for your response. He knew he sounded desperate, but he didn't care. He didn't want you to die, but he still left the decision completely up to you. He opened his eyes after a moment of complete silence to see you were crying.

The last person to care about you this much was your mother. Your father was never around much. He was either drunk or high. Maybe this was a symptom of your daddy issues, but you felt drawn to all the pet names he called you, all the care he gave you, everything. As much as you wanted to be like those heroines who play "hard to get" and cause a huge argument only to reluctantly agree, but bitch about it the rest of the movie you just couldn't. You were tired of acting strong and independent. Maybe you were being way too trusting, but you were only human. How long did you expect to go without affection and interaction with others? You wanted Taehyung to take care of you so bad. You didn't want to sound like some desperate, lazy slut, but you were just done with everything. Like you said before, you were only human.

Taehyung thought he did something wrong until Y/n flung her arms around his neck, pulled him close and sobbed into the crook of his neck. 

"Please..please..I want to stay. Please take care of me." She whimpered.

Taehyung felt his tension melt away, relieved at her decision. He pulled her closer and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Shhh it's all right, Kitten. I'm here now." He whispered soothingly, "We need each other."

"I promise, no one will ever hurt you again, Y/n."

And on that comforting note, you drifted to sleep in his arms. 

What do you think to far? Please vote and comment. And please check out my three other Taehyung ffs. Thank you! <3- Tay


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