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Warning: Mentions of Domestic Abuse

The deafening sound of Taehyung's tires screeching on the pavement echoed down the empty street. It was midday and no one else was around.


"E-Excuse me, sir? Do you have an appointment?" The guard at the front gate of Jennie's estate nervously questioned upon seeing the angry dominant hybrid come to a halt in front of him.

"Open it."



"I'm afraid I can't do that without a name or appointment."

"Agh- FUCK IT!" Taehyung slammed the door to his car and approached the gold gilded gate. In a few quick motions, he scaled the obstacle and landed on the other side, un-bothered and undeterred.

The hybrid on the other side stood in shock before attempting to call out to him with no avail. The tiger hybrid continued to storm up the path towards the mansion with nothing but a fierce look to send those who opposed him. The gatekeeper fumbled with the walkie talkies in his hand before send a message.

"Miss! Someone just climbed the fence and is on their w-"

"Let him come." Was the cold response on the other end before the communication died.

Leaving the gatekeeper confused and worried, it diy take a genius to know something horrifying was about to happen.


With the twentieth stroke of her brush Jennie leaned back and admired her look. She knew she was drop dead gorgeous and was ready to finally see Taehyung again, her love. To say that she loved him was a stretch, obsessed was a better word to describe it these days. There was once a time when Jennie really did love Taehyung and the feelings were greatly returned, but despite how devastated Taehyung was after their split, it was Jennie who truly suffered the most. That being said, the effects were more mental and emotional than anything.

When they had met, Jennie had an extreme case insecurities that come with being a dominant female in world of male ruling. It wasn't like people were trying to be sexist, in fact, probably the only thing hybrids admired about humans was their opportunities for both sexes. It was just in their biology. No matter how much they progress, hybrids all had one thing in common keeping them from reaching the point of humanity. The animal DNA that flowed through their veins.

Truth be told, there were now more opportunities than there had been for women hybrids, thanks to much deliberation from the council, but, just like there will always be a lion in charge of the pride, there will always be male that will come out on top. It was nothing personal, just biology. And Jennie always had a problem with that. Being a dominant female hybrid, her conquest to be on top was hardly ever fulfilled in such a competitive world. But when Taehyung had entered her life, it all came to a screeching halt. He taught her she didn't have to always be the one in charge in order for her to be respected and she didn't have to waste he entire life striving for that position. If you are respected by the people, than you already have the highest honor.

And Jennie was content.

Content and in love.

That was, until she became jealous if her own lover. She watched as he was called upon to make decisions that would affect their society and did she do? Stay at home, kiss babies, meet the people of her world. It's meaning became lost to her after the green-eyed monster got it's hold on her. People became very much aware of her discontent and after being harshly pushed away multiple times they grew weary of trying to make her see how much she meant to them. She had lost her people without even acknowledging.

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