Store Uproar

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"Where are you taking me Taehyung?" you asked without turning away from the window.

You still couldn't get over the fact that hybrids were living and interacting so differently than humans did when they were still around. Whenever you were in the car you would never look anywhere but outside. So much has changed.

"We are going to get you an outfit you can wear for tomorrow's gala." He replied from somewhere beside you. Looking out the window meant you hadn't once looked at Taehyung during the duration of the ride and you could tell he was getting a little fidgety. 

"Y/n.." He whined, "Look at me." 

You had to keep yourself from laughing. He really did require a lot of attention, didn't he?

"But there's so much more to see outside." You said curtly without turning to him. You wanted to see how far you could press. You heard soft mewls from the hybrid as Taehyung began to nudge you with his dipped head. His soft dirty-blond locks caressed the side of your face causing you to giggle at the tickling feeling. You finally looked down to see his pathetic state.

"Please..." He looked up at with puppy dog eyes and you gave in immediately.

"Hmm alright." You sighed pretending to be reluctant, "Do you want scratchies?"

He nodded his head aggressively indicating his approval. Taehyung placed his head in your lap waiting for the desired contact to begin. You first ran your fingers through his long hair causing the tiger hybrid to release a sigh of contentment and urge you to continue. You then moved on to the next stage. You'd come to find that give Taehyung his head scratches and petting was a very intricate process. You first start off slow, then progress in different stages. You and Taehyung have done this a couple of times, but you were certain you had gotten the hang of it by now, as he was always referring to you as a natural. With one had still brushing through his hair, the other began to stroke the length of his furry ears.

"That feels good," He said as he nuzzled his face against your thigh.

You "hmmed" as you began to pick up the pace and actually scratch his head. Taehyung let out soft groans as you continued to give him physical affection until the driver cleared his throat.

"Um Lord Kim? We are here." The driver was nervously avoiding eye contact with either of us.

Taehyung let out a long sigh of frustration as he sat up and smoothed down his clothes.

"I see. I expect you to be here when we are ready to leave," said Taehyung gruffly, grabbing your hand and pulling me out of the car, not waiting for the driver to come around and open the door for us.

You observed his face closely seeing the obvious change in behavior. He had been such a little squish ball in the car and now he was brooding and stormy. Was this really the same guy? The duality of Kim Taehyung left you shook and curious at the same time. In fact, you were so engrossed of the mystery of this man and his mannerisms you hadn't noticed the dirty looks that were being sent your way now that you were out in public for the first time. That is until you were approached. You had just entered an expensive looking store when a store clerk lady walked in your direction. 

"Good afternoon," she said, her eyes never leaving Taehyung, "How may I serve you today?" She added a little flirty wink at the end.

Oh, so she's one of those bitches, You thought looking her up and down. You answered for him.

"WE are here to buy an outfit for ME for tomorrow's gala."

The clerk's canine ears twitched in obvious annoyance at the sound of your voice.

"Aww, is that right?" She asked in a patronizing voice, then looked back at Taehyung.

"I don't know if you know sir, but we have a no PETS allowed rule." That struck a chord with you. This bitch was practically asking for a good whop upside the head. 

"Oh I'm sorry is that so?" Asked Taehyung

"Yes, but if you tie her up outside I'd happily show you some private selections we have in the back." She replied biting her lip. You felt yourself internally cringe, maybe even on the outside too. This dog was such an obvious flirt that it hurt just to watch. Taehyung, however, remained unaffected and unbothered, holding onto my hand more tightly now. 

"Well then change that bullshit rule and we don't need your assistance." Taehyung pushed past her and continued walking down the aisle lined with expensive silks. Suddenly, you felt someone's nails dig into your shoulder as you were harshly yanked from Taehyung's side causing you to yelp in pain.

"If you can't follow the rules then I'll have to ask you and your whore to leave." Snapped the sales clerk, clearly pissed that she had been refused. At first, Taehyung seemed shocked with what had happened. After processing it for a second or two, his expression turned deadly.

"LET.HER.GO." His dominant growl echoed throughout the store. The clerk shuddered but stood her ground, gripping you even tighter. I winced which didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung. It was at that moment, the sales lady knew




She released you as Taehyung lifted her off the ground by her neck squeezing it tightly, choking her. She clawed at his hands and gasped for breath with no avail. Everyone's attention was on you three. You had never seen Taehyung look so murderous and it scared you. Not enough for you to feel sorry for the bitch though. You still felt a tad salty.


"Hey!" a male worker ran over and grabbed Taehyung by the arm, "The the hell do you think you are?!"

"I am Kim Taehyung, the main patron of this establishment."

As expected, everyone in the room, except for you, of course, were cowering in fear. 

"M-Mr. Kim," the man stuttered, "I-I hardly recognized you. Forgive me, please!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and with warning dropped the woman.

"I want that woman fired and get us a clerk who is worth her salt." He commanded.

"Yes, sir." The man bowed and signaled another woman, a cat hybrid, who looked absolutely terrified, over to you. 

"Help this gentleman and his lady, please." He said as he escorted the other woman away.

"R-Right this way, ma'am and sir, p-please." She bowed and then led you towards the back of the store.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung bent over and whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, I am." You assured him, "Thank you."

"Of course, anything for you reserved partner."

I wrote and uploaded this earlier than usual because there is some bad weather on its way and our power might get knocked out again. Meaning I wouldn't be able to write anytime soon. But let's hope for the best. - Tay <3

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