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"I can't keep it, guys." You finally said with a saddened tone.

Both Jungkook and Yeri looked at you with horrified expressions.

"What the hell do you mean, Y/n?" Yeri asked.

You sighed, "Look, I just mated with Taehyung. We're not even married and now we're having a baby? I have no experience with children, and the list continues. We can't possibly raise this kid."

"That's a load of bullshit, Y/n!" Snapped Jungkook harshly, "You and Taehyung are perfectly capable and would make wonderful parents! Besides have you even asked Taehyung?"

You were frozen for a second because you had never seen Jungkook so upset.

"Not yet." You admitted, "But I doubt he wants one now."

"I bet he does." said Jungkook

"Regardless," You interjected, desperate to change the subject, "I'm not going to tell him now." 

You looked out the tinted windows to see your house looming into view.

"It's too soon."

You gathered your shopping bags and readied yourself to act as if nothing happened in front of  Taehyung. 

"Thank you, Yeri. I had a lot of fun." You smiled after gaining your composure.

"Yeah, we definitely need to do it more often." Yeri sent you a bubbly grin that made you feel better than you actually looked. Then you faced Jungkook, her mate's best friend.

"Thank you for all your help, Jungkook. Please don't mention any of this to Taehyung." You begged slightly

Jungkook sighed and looked at you with a sympathetic gaze, "I won't. I'm just worried now, Noona. Take care of yourself, but don't do anything you will regret later."

You nodded at this and muttered a good bye, as you stepped out of the car. Just when you thought you were going to get a break from heavy emotions, you step inside your home to find a brooding KIm Taehyung.

"Where were you, Y/n?" He demanded, his tail and ears flicked back and forth in irritation. "Yeri was supposed to have you back an hour ago."

"We just had a m-minor set back," You stuttered, technically it wasn't a lie. "Traffic, long lines at stores, stuff like that."

Taehyung hummed, "Well just make sure- what's that?"

His eyes had flicked down to her wrist that still had the plastic bracelet from her hospital admission.

"O-Oh that? Um, they were-uh- giving them away for free at a store to um- raise awareness?" You awkwardly spat out the words.

Taehyung skeptically arched his eyebrow, "Awareness? Awareness for what?"

"Um..... I don't know the name, but it was for prey being abused or whatever...." 

Taehyung frowned and was about to say something, but before he could, you dropped your bags and pulled him into your arms.

"Hey how long has it been since I've given scratchies, huh?" You ask, quickly changing the subject as your finger laced their way through his hair. You saw Taehyung switch into full on baby boy mode.

"Too long," He whimpered nuzzling your neck, completely forgetting about what he had been interrogating you about.

"Then come on," You winked and dragged him upstairs. Taehyung relaxed on his bed as you massaged his head.

However, as expected, from scratchies came affectionate pecks, from affectionate pecks came kisses, from kisses came a make out, from a make out came arousal, and naturally, from arousal came the need to release.

They had just finished doing the dirty and were now back to how they started, relaxing on their bed. Y/n was dozing off and Taehyung was studying her every feature. He swore she got more beautiful with every second he stared at her. He couldn't help but notice how her hand was covering her flat tummy, as if instinctively protecting it.

There was nothing in there yet, but Taehyung loved the thought of it. When he imagined Y/n being full, carrying his baby, he got a giddy feeling inside. What better way to show other males she belonged to someone else? And the sweet child that would come after the nine months of showing of his future family would only be a plus. He smiled. He loved children. 

Taehyung just hoped Y/n felt the same way.

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