Hot In Here?

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Taehyung glared at the bunny as he showed Y/n how to play the Xbox. He had been sitting on the couch for an hour now and Y/n still hasn't glanced his way once. 

"You're a natural!" squealed as he pinched Y/n's cheeks, who was now blushing.

Taehyung loved his friend very much, but if this continued he might just have to do something about it. 

"Hey I really like your collar." Jungkook suddenly commented  as he traced his finger along the lace that marked her as Taehyung's. 

"Thank you." Replied Y/n sweetly as she tugged at it. She looked a little uncomfortable. Before Taehyung could ask, Jungkook did.

"Are you hot?"

"Just a little."

"Why are you wearing such a thick sweater in this weather anyway?" Chuckled Jungkook

"It was just part of the outfit." Shrugged Y/n.

"Well take it off." Suggested the bunny.

This caused Y/n to do a double take and Taehyung grunted. The bunny hybrid was still young and naive, oblivious to how the other two reacted to his request.

"I mean, I am wearing a tank top underneath." Y/n replied. After a moment's pause, she slipped the top garment off, revealing a white tank top.

Taehyung was shocked and pissed at the same time. Why the hell did she do that? Was she really that comfortable around Jungkook? Taehyung was still thinking his dark thoughts when all of a sudden he smelled something strange, coming from the direction of his two friends. Y/n was focused on the screen, but jungkook was just sitting there staring her down and she didn't seem to notice. Taehyung immediately knew what was happening and it pushed him over the edge. He knew bunnies were really hormonal and they really couldn't control their heats, especially young adult ones like Jungkook. But it was still no excuse for looking at his kitten and getting horny. As much as he wanted to pounce and rip Jungkook's throat out, Taehyung waited to see what Jungkook would do.

"U-um Y/n?" The bunny whispered

"Hmm?" The girl didn't remove her eyes from the screen

"You're really pretty."

Y/n blushed and muttered a quiet thank you.

Just leave already Jungkook!  Taehyung thought to himself.

"And you look so soft." Jungkook continued. Taehyung could practically hear the lust dripping off the younger's voice. He watched as the other leaned forward and began sniffing Y/n's neck. The smell of Jungkook's heat grew more intense.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung roared. Jungkook froze and Y/n jumped at the loud enraged voice. They had both forgotten about the tiger hybrid behind them.

"Come. Here." Taehyung gestured for the younger to follow him. Jungkook's bunny ears drooped, knowing all the things Taehyung could do to him. Y/n watched fearfully wondering what had happened. She ,of course, couldn't smell the hormonal waves radiating off the bunny that was once beside her because she was human.

"I-I'm so sorry Hyung!" Jungkook cried as he reached the hallway with the door closed behind them. "I can't control it! Things like this just-" He was abruptly cut off.

"I know!" snapped Taehyung. He was doing his best to reign in his anger. 

"Just leave. Tell Y/n you need to go and go home. I'll have my driver take you."

The bunny nodded looking down. He thought he ruined his chances of ever seeing Y/n again.

"Don't worry, you can see her again some other time." Taehyung looked sympathetically at his friend. The bunny's expression lit up immediately.

"Thank you, Hyung!"

After hugs goodbye and a good excuse to leave, Jungkook was gone and Y/n wasn't questioning why he left so suddenly anymore.

"Taehyung?" She asked softly

"Yes, kitten?" 

"Why was Jungkook sniffing my neck and acting strange?"

Taehyung was a little surprised. He thought she didn't notice, but apparently she did. It made him a little upset she didn't push him away when she did, in fact, notice Jungkook acting out of character. But he had bigger problems right now. What was he supposed to say?

Damn it

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