The Collar

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"Adopt me?" You questioned

"Yes." replied Taehyung

"But wouldn't that make you my daddy?" you naively asked

Taehyung choked on his own saliva. He looked down and saw you were being serious and not teasing him. That relieved him, just a bit.

"N-no. Not that kind of adoption," He said, "It's like a pet adoption."

"Oh," you paused, then protested, "But I'm not an animal!"

"Aww Y/n," Taehyung cooed as he reached over and stroked your hair, one of his favorite things to do, "I agree. You are definitely not an animal. But laws says that if a hybrid wishes to keep a human, they must adopt them like a pet and give them a collar. I know it's weird and I'm sure you feel a little dehumanized, but trust me, it's for the best."

"Kim Taehyung!" a male nurse called from a now open door leading for to a hallway.

"Time to go," Taehyung whispered and grabbed my hand, " Don't leave my side. Not many hybrids here are fond of humans." You nodded silently and with that you walked towards the nurse.

You followed him down a corridor and into a room that looked very much like a doctor's office.

"Wait here and someone will be here to assist you. the nurse said to Taehyung then her turned to me. His grey mouse like ears twitched and he gazed at me.

"Is this your little human?" he asked as he pat me head like a dog, "She's adorable!"

"Yes, she is." Responded Taehyung, "Don't you have a job to do?"

"Oh, right." The man bowed, "I'll take my leave." Then he exited.

"What was all that about?" You asked.

"Like I said Y/n, if not killed immediately humans can either become pets or..." Taehyung's voice trailed off.

"Or what?"

"It doesn't matter. The point is, don't be surprised if people treat you like either scum or a pet dog."

Thinking back to what Taehyung had said, a sudden hopeful question popped into your head.

"So there are humans other than me?"

Taehyung shrugged, "I've never seen any. But I'm sure there might be a couple since this facility must have a purpose, right? If there are more, their masters probably have them chained up in their homes somewhere."

"Oh." You looked down, saddened at the words he spoke. Taehyung noticed.

"Hey," he said taking your face between his hands bringing your face upward to look him in the eyes, "It's going to be okay, I promise."

At that moment, a hybrid walked into the room.

"Hey Taehyung!" the dog hybrid exclaimed

"Hoseok hyung!" Taehyung engulfed him in a hug then pulled away, "I'm so glad your the one helping us."

"Well," the guy named Hoseok said, "I saw your name on the list and the reason you were coming and insisted on helping you personally." Then he looked over to you.

"Hello," he sunshine smiled at you.

"Hi." You greeted quietly.

Hoseok chuckled, "Your lucky you got such a cutie, Taehyung."

"Can we get this done as fast as possible please?" snapped Taehyung.

"Fine, fine, geez." Hoseok raised his hands in surrender, "Do you have the papers?"

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