The Beautiful Beginning

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The car ride back to the mansion was long and quiet. Taehyung was holding my hand the whole time, but not making a single noise. It was odd not to hear his deep voice the entire time from the funeral parlor back to the mansion. You looked down to your entwined hands and gently traced your thumb over the diamond ring that graced the fourth finger on your left hand. The beautiful engagement that Taehyung had bought only a few days before. You opened your mouth to mention it only to be interrupted by the driver informing Taehyung that they had arrived. Your mate nodded and stepped out of the car and gingerly lifted you with him. He insisted on carrying you everywhere due to your injuries that were still healing. You weren't quite fit to walk on your own. As he climbed the steps of your home, his silence was beginning to make you anxious.


"He loved me." Taehyung blurted suddenly. He loved me? What's that supposed to mean? Was he talking about Yoongi?

"I-I'm sure he did, all of the guys love you very much." You offered a comforting smile, but Taehyung only shook his head.

"No, he- Yoongi, was IN love with me."

That shocked you less than it should have. But in actuality, it all made better sense to you now the situation had before. You looked up at him. His face was stoic, but you could tell he was holding back tears, most likely for your sake.

"Was he, really?" Your voice only came out like a mere whisper, and the sound of Taehyung's heavy footsteps drowned it out. His lips found the top of your head and placed a soft kiss on your combed hair.

"He was."

I didn't even know what to say. What was I supposed to say? I couldn't help but feel a pang of magnified sympathy for Yoongi.

A lost man in love....

The bedroom was cold when Taehyung entered with you in his arms and the atmosphere a lot greyer. He sat you down on the left side of the bed (your side), then crossed over to his own spot and said nothing. It was exactly like in the car, only the dark spot had spread over your household as well.

"Hey," you lightly nudged your mate beside you. He looked up with sorrowful eyes.

"We won't ever forget Yoongi. No one will." I assured him, "But he wouldn't want us to mourn like this, especially not you." The smile you gave was soft and reassuring.

"I love you." 

And much to your surprise, he returned the smile as he looked deep into your eyes, "I love you too, Kitten." 

It may not seem like it right now. But you two were going to be okay.




7 months later

As Yeri finished brushing your hair, she fiddled with the glittery decoration in your hair.

You chuckled, "It doesn't have to be perfect Yeri."

"Yes it does," She snapped, which was quickly replaced with a bright smile, " Today is your big day after all, Eonnie." 

Once she was finished, you stood ans smoothed down the front of your lacey, slightly fitted white dress. 

"You look so beautiful, Eonnie!" Yeri cheered whilst clapping, " Doesn't she look absolutely radiant?" 

The servants behind her nodded in agreement and voice their approval.

"Knock knock," A voice interrupted the ladies and their chattering.

"Hey Jungkook!" Yeri chirped as she went to greet her boyfriend.

"I hate to interrupt this bonding time, but it's time." Jungkook informed as his girlfriend took his arm. "See you out there, Noona!"

It wasn't long before the music started playing and you stood just outside the doors waiting for your cue. You couldn't believe what was happening. A little over a year ago, you were a homeless nobody and now you were about to be married to the love of your life. The doors opened and you took a hesitant step forward all the eyes of your friends and family were on you. You looked aheadto find the love of your life gazing at you lovingly.

Yes, you two would be alright. 

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