Morning Sickness

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Unknown POV

"Are you almost ready?"

"Yes, we just need a few more."

"Good, I'll get him prepared."

End of Unknown POV

You jerked awake during the middle of the night and rushed towards the bathroom to spew your guts into the toilet.

Damn, morning sickness is a bitch

"Y/n?" A groggy voice muttered in confusion behind you.

Sure enough, there Taehyung was, woken suddenly by the sound of you, his mate, coughing up her dinner at two in the morning.

"Are you okay, kitten?" He asked in concern after rubbing the sleep from his tired eyes.

"Yeah I'm just-auch!" You turned back to your vomit hole and once more released the contents of your stomach, what was left of it anyway. Taehyung was, by now, more alert and rushed to your side from the doorway where he had been leaning. You stayed there spitting and sputtering up fluids as Taehyung held your hair back and soothed you. After about five more minutes, you stopped throwing up, and you were pretty sure it was only because you no longer had anything in your stomach, in fact, you wouldn't be surprised if you didn't have a stomach left at all. Unfortunately, after all that, the nausea still remained.

"Are you okay, Y/n? What happened?" Taehyung asked more urgently this time, seeing that you had finally calmed down.

"It was just-um uh-my period? Yeah, my period. It sometimes gives me nausea." You lied.

You could tell that Taehyung didn't believe you by the look on his face, but he just nodded and let it go.

"Alright, there are some crackers downstairs, if you want, we could go get them together?" He offered, giving you a weak smile. You obliged and he held onto your arms to help you get up.

Taehyung led his mate through the darkened hallways of their home to the kitchen. She still hadn't been to find her way around yet, but Taehyung was fine with helping her out. 

What he wasn't tolerant of, however, was Y/n lying to him.

Not that this time had necessarily made him angry, just hurt. Taehyung trusted Y/n no matter what, but he couldn't help but feel as if she didn't trust him. 

Hell, did she even feel the same way?

Don't be ridiculous, Taehyung! She loves you! You're just blowing things out of proportion.

First it was earlier when she came home late, now it was saying she was sick because of her period. Y/n was a terrible liar, but he didn't need her obvious lies to be able to see right through any. He couldn't smell any blood on her person, so she obviously was not on her period. It was strange and probably unrelated even but, she didn't smell the same way she had a few days ago. She smelled of an overwhelming sweetness that he couldn't quite place his finger on it. 

Aside from that, he couldn't deny that he felt seriously hurt about Y/n not telling him what was going on. Was he not worthy of knowing? His ears and tail were getting miserably droopy; the paranoia and over whelming thoughts were too much for him to handle at the moment, so he had to push them aside. Right now, Y/n was top priority. They both walked in silence through the empty halls, until reaching their destination.

"Um, I'll get them for you." Said Taehyung going over to the pantry in search of the item, as Y/n took a seat at one of the bar stools. After a minute, he came back with a sleeve of saltine crackers and bottled water.

"Here," He passed the items over to the girl and she accepted them with a thank you. It became silent again, awkwardly silent. It took a while, but eventually, Taehyung cleared his throat and looked over to where his quiet lover was nibbling on her crackers.

"Feeling any better?"

She merely nodded in response.

"Do you know what caused it?"

"I already told you I'm on my period." She responded harshly. (BTW I'm sorry male readers! I haven't forgotten you! This part will be over soon.)

So she was still going with that lie? Fine. See if he cares.

"Do you need any products?" He heard a gulp resonate from the anxious woman.

"No, I'll be fine right now. I can send the maids in the morning."

Taehyung hummed in response and looked away. It was obvious she didn't want to converse at the moment which was beginning to irk him. He looked at the time, it was nearly 3 am. He might as well get back in bed, there was no use in trying to talk to Y/n right now anyway.

"Alright, well, I'm going back to bed. Don't hesitate to wake me up if you need anything else. I trust you can find your way back to the room?"

Once again, Y/n just nodded and took a small sip of water.

"Good night, Y/n." 

Nothing again, just a nod. Taehyung was now extremely pissed and judging by the waves of emotion he sensed rolling off his mate, she was too, for reasons he was ignorant of. Did he do something to her? Nothing last he checked. So what the hell was her petty ass problem?

"Fine be that way." He muttered under his breath as he turned on his heels and stormed out of the kitchen. But Y/n's next sentence didn't escape his hearing.

"I will, thank you."

Taehyung froze and had to stop himself from letting out an audible growl that would scare her. He figured it was best to just walk away at this point. He was tired and Y/n was obviously wasn't feeling well nor did she feel like being bothered. 

Taehyung was lying in bed wide awake. He couldn't believe it. He and Y/n just had their first passive aggressive argument and he didn't know whether he should be the one to apologize or not. She technically started it by giving him that childish silent treatment. But then again, maybe she had vomited her stomach out in the bathroom, only minutes prior. Should he have been more understanding from that perspective?

He heard the door to the bedroom open and close, the sound of the lock following suit. Taehyung closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Taehyung opened one eye to see Y/n bury herself into the sheets with her back facing him.

*sniff sniff*

Yep. Seriously what was up with her?

He felt the urge to wrap his arms around her and pull her close. But for the first time, Taehyung didn't act upon those urges.

She'll be fine

 He knew that was probably a harsh thing to do, but at that moment he didn't care.

Because he was hurting too...

His KittenΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα