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The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and you were miserable. It was noon and you were still moping around in bed. But who could blame you? You were hot, uncomfortable and nauseous, it especially didn't help that Taehyung, bless his heart and efforts, kept pestering you, and asking if you were okay etc. Make no mistake, you love him, damn he was started to work a nerve and your this close to snapping. 

*knock knock*

Speak of the devil...

"Y/n?" Taehyung tentatively peaked from behind the entrance to their bedroom.

"Yes?" You answered a tad impatiently.

Taehyung's ears flattened against his head, but he mustered up enough courage to enter, holding a steaming bowl.

"Well-um uh I-I know you've been feeling bad, so um I made you vegetable soup, c-cause I know you like it." His eyes were on his feet not daring to look you in the eye.

You felt your features soften at the tiger hybrid's sweet gesture. You hadn't even noticed you had been scowling at him the whole time and immediately felt guilty.

You smiled your brightest at him despite you nausea, "Thank you, Tae Tae! Bring it over!"

A boxy smile graced his face and he happily skipped to you a lowered the bowl of your favorite food, but much to your surprise, it didn't appeal to you. Not only did it lack in visual appeal for you, the smell was utterly repulsive. You tried your best not to gag.

"Um Taehyung," you were thinking of a way to reject the meal without hurting too badly, "I don't know if this will stay down."

"Oh really?" His ear's quivered in curiosity, "Well is there anything-I don't know- that you think you can stomach for the time being? I'll get that for you instead." 


"Yep!" He chirped happily, "Anything you have a craving for!"

Craving you say? Well now that you think about it....

"I actually so have something-well somethings that you could  get for me."

Magical Time Skip

"Y/n! I'm back!" Taehyung called as he struggled through the bedroom door with a shit ton of bags from both the grocers and various restaurants. You immediately sat up to run an inspection.

"Did you make sure to get it all?"You interrogated

"Hmm let's see," Taehyung held up the receipt and read it off, " I got your shrimp ramen, fried pork chops, mango pumpkin smoothie, chocolate dipped strawberries, cookie dough,-"

"What kind of cookie dough?!"

"Chocolate chip just like you asked."

You nodded for him to continue.

"I have your cotton candy, honey roasted pistachios, but unfortunately.." Taehyung's voice trailed off.

"Unfortunately what?"

"Well, love, they don't sell pickle and cream cheese ice cream." He admitted, much to your dismay.

You sighed, "I suppose it is a bit ahead of it's time, isn't it?"

Taehyung chuckled, "Yeah, but I hope cookies n' cream can suffice."

You said that it would and Taehyung left to get plates and eating utensils, clearly not knowing that pregnant women don't need such things to chow down. Then again, he also has no clue about you being pregnant. You were sure all the weird cravings and the wild goose chase you sent him on to collect them would be enough of a hint. You were tempted not to say anything but seeing as you were insanely hungry, you took the "fuck it" attitude and decided that if he figured it out you wouldn't hide it from him any longer, but that clearly wasn't the case because on the way out the door, he offered to stop and get you ibuprofen for the "period pain." You wondered if this was just being dense or merely innocence when it comes to that topic, either way, you were happy he didn't know, but now you have to tell him yourself.

Taehyung groaned as he walked down the steps.

"This woman is killing me softly.." He muttered, but at least she was feeling better.

Ring Ring

Just great

He lifted his phone and read the caller ID, answering it afterwards.

"Hey Kook! What's up?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to call and check on you and Noona. She wasn't answering her phone."

Taehyung chuckled, " Yeah, that's cause she's too busy playing princess of the castle. I've been out all morning getting the most ridiculous, random foods."

"Hehe yeah...what's that all about?"

Taehyung paused and narrowed his eyes, "Jungkook, why are you nervously laughing?"

"Haha what? I'm not nervously laughing. I'm just-uh coughing."

A slew of fake coughing was released into the microphone on the other line and loudly erupted into Taehyung's sensitive ears.

"Ow okay Kook I get it! Your "coughing"!" Taehyung grumbled.

"So are you still running those errands?" Jungkook asked, changing the subject.

"Not in public anymore." Responded Taehyung, arriving at the kitchen. He began to look for the area where they kept their eating utensils. "I'm looking for plates and stuff at home."

This time Jungkook let out a genuine laugh, "Hyung, don't you have maids for that?"

"Yes, but I wanted to do it myself. It seems more sincere that way." Taehyung huffed, still in search of the items.

"Well good luck with that." Wished Jungkook from the other end, "And tell Noona I hope she feels better."

"Thanks, oh and Kook?" 

"Yeah Hyung?"

"How did you know Y/n wasn't feeling well?"

"What? You told me that, silly hyung!"

"No I didn't," Argued Taehyung, "All I said was that she wanted a lot of random food from different places."

"Hehe, well you had to have told me sometime during that exchange hehe." The nervous laughing was back and Taehyung didn't even need to be in the same room as the bunny to practically smell the fear radiating from the other end of the phone connection.


"Yeri is calling me I have to go! Bye hyung! Take care of Y/n!"

Taehyung stared back out the phone that just hung up. Unbelievable! Even his best friend knows something! Come to think of it, yesterday Y/n did come back smelling a little like Jungkook. Taehyung's eyes widened. Could they- were they maybe...

NO! That's not possible, Y/n loves him and Jungkook was his best friend. They would never do that to him. Besides, if they had, Y/n would've smelled A LOT more like Jungkook, not just faintly. Taehyung felt his anxiety and paranoia dissipate, just slightly.

They would never....

Wouldn't they? 

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