Truth Untold

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As Yoongi approached Taehyung's front door, his mind was racing with anxious thoughts and suspicions. It had been a long time since they had ever done anything together, just the two of them.

Then again...

What if this wasn't just a casual get together?

What if he-?

No, that's impossible.

Before Yoongi could even knock, the owner of the home flung the door open, sporting an eerily welcoming smile.

"H-Hey Taehyung," Yoongi stuttered, "How's it going?"

"Come inside first, we'll talk with the others around." Taehyung greeted with the accompaniment of an intense stare.


Once Yoongi walked in, he saw what the younger man had been talking about. All their friends were there, standing around in a semi-circle as if waiting just for him. His gaze cascaded around to every frowning face he saw, Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin.

Jimin? What is he doing here? He didn't have anything to do with this did he? He surely wouldn't have said anything. Upon seeing his hyung staring at him, the kitten hybrid, Jimin, lowered his eyes in submission. 

He did, didn't he?

Yoongi would've laughed at the irony, if Taehyung hadn't cleared his throat. He now faced the handsome tiger hybrid with a questioning look. Taehyung's facial expressions looked warm and inviting but his eyes told a completely different story. Eyes never lie. That's the first thing wolf cubs learn when taught how to read behavior. They were deep and enticing as always, but they were swirling with dark emotions that even Yoongi couldn't quite comprehend.  Yoongi would've been just as captivated as any other unsuspecting person, if not for his being able to see through it.

"So how are you doing today, Hyung?" Taehyung asked stalking towards the older male.

"Fine, I guess." Yoongi replied, his eyes not leaving the inquirer. 

"That's good." Taehyung hummed. No one else was saying anything, their eyes glued to the interaction in front of them. It was silent after the first question Taehyung asked and Yoongi had to admit it was hard to breath with so much tension in the air. If this was a confrontation, which it undoubtedly was, he might as well get things started.

"Where's Y/n?" Yoongi asked, pretending to be oblivious.

This made Taehyung throw his head back in hysterical laughter which made Yoongi greatly concerned about the younger's condition. The others looked at Taehyung in either shock or pity. When Taehyung got a hold of himself, his expressions had finally changed to match his eyes. 

"I don't know Yoongi. You tell me." He glared, "It was very clever of you trying to frame Jungkook like that." 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Yoongi protested, but he could already feel his stance wavering.

"You sprayed something that would interfere with my sense of smell, but just in case it didn't work you wore something that belonged to Jungkook." Taehyung looked to Jungkook for confirmation.

"I'm missing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt." Nodded Jungkook as he looked at Yoongi with disappointment.

Yoongi managed a laugh that came out more nervous than he intended, "And why would I need to mask my scent?"

"So you could kidnap Y/n undetected." Hissed Taehyung narrowing his eyes.

"We all know you hated her." Spat Hoseok, "But we never thought you would stoop so low."

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