1:19 pm

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Be warned this is a pretty short, hectic chapter 

You froze.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

You saw Taehyung running towards you with a look of desperation on his face.

You saw Jungkook scream your name as you started to fall.

You saw all the others trying to restrain the remaining members of Jennie's security so they wouldn't worsen the situation.

You felt the stinging pain of one bullet in your right shoulder; the second one found its mark in your lower torso.

You waited for the remaining three bullets but they never came. You were covered and thrown to the ground by another mass that had run into you. The person held you so close, you could hear them trying to muffle their grunts of pain as the last bullets embedded themselves in their own body.

To protect you.

"I'm sorry Y/n," said the familiar deep voice, "I thought things would end better for the both of us."

After both your bodies hit the floor, you could hear everything that was happening. You could hear more fighting and the police finally arriving. You could hear Jungkook crying out for his fallen Noona and Jin trying to console him. You could hear Namjoon on the phone with his father explaining the situation. 

"Ma'am? Sir? Can you hear my voice?" 

You hadn't noticed the paramedics lifting you onto the stretcher; the other body long removed from yours. 

The warm breeze licked your body as you were rushed outside to the ambulance.

"The girl will be okay if we hurry." One EMT said to the other, "I don't know about the male took one bullet directly to the spine and another extremely close to the heart."

"Severe internal bleeding?"

"Most likely, among other things."

"Isn't he one of the Dominant Predators?" Another voice asked as you were being lifted into the vehicle.

"Yes, I hear he's pretty close to the president too."


"Just focus on the human for now and stop gossiping!" A loud authoritative voice demanded.

"Yes, sir!"

That's when you slipped.

Time Skip (at the hospital)

As soon as both ambulances pulled up to the Emergency entrance, everything happened so quickly, Jungkook could hardly keep up.

One team went with Y/n and the other went with his Hyung. Jungkook didn't know who to follow. He overheard the paramedics talking to each other about the patients' conditions, Y/n was in a lot better shape, relatively speaking of course. He and the others followed the emergency vehicles in their own cars and just sort of stood there upon arrival, not knowing what to do or say.

"Jungkook!" The young bunny hybrid turned and nearly cried at the sight of, Yeri, bright-eyed and beautiful running towards him.

"I came as soon as I heard!" She panted pulling him into her embrace.

"Yeri!" He felt like sobbing into her blueberry scented hair. He loved her shampoo.

"Jungkook," Yeri pulled away from the hug as the others looked on in surprise. "Was Y/n Eonnie really shot?"

"Yes and my hyung." 

Yeri clasped her hands, "Are they going to be okay?" 

"I don't know, Yeri. I really don't know..."

Meanwhile in the ER...

"We have to start operating now!"

"We need extra blood!"

"What's his blood type?"


The whole room shuddered at that simplistic yet terrifying sound, instantly knowing what it meant.

"His heart stopped! Ready the defibrillator!"

There was utter chaos in the room that ensued as they tried to keep the young man from slipping into the light.

"Clear!" A shock was sent through the pale bloody chest with the two energized paddles.

No response.



No response.



No response.

The head doctor let out a shaky sigh and turned to the nurse holding the clipboard.

"Time of death, 1:19 pm-"

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