The Bunny

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You and Taehyung were silent for the rest of the car ride, but it was a comfortable silence. You couldn't help stare at the hybrid beside you. You hadn't noticed just how handsome he was, especially with his cute ears twitching every now and then, sensitive to every sound.

"We're here." he said snapping you out of your thoughts. He took your small hand in his large one and pulled you inside.

"I have a surprise for you." Taehyung said giddily.

You walked through the tastefully decorated hallways until he stopped at a door right scross from his.

"Wait here." He said as he walked in and closed the door. After a minute he opened the door and opened his arms wide welcoming you in.

"I hope you like it."

Your eyes widened at the sight. Is this your room?

You were speechless

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You were speechless. The glimmering golden decor was the most lavish thing you had ever seen your entire life. 

"Is something wrong?" Taehyung asked concernedly noticing you hadn't spoken.

"No no not at all!" You gave him the tightest hug you could and squealed, "thank you! thank you!"

Taehyung chuckled, "You're welcome kitten." You could've stayed like that forever if someone hadn't interrupted.

"Hey Taehyung! Where are you?" a voice outside your door called

"Shit." You heard Taehyung curse under his breath. Then he looked to you with narrowed eyes.

"You. Stay. Here."

You merely gulped and nodded afraid of whoever might be outside listening to them at this very moment.

Taehyung left Y/n sitting on the bed ready to face the hybrid outside. He opened the door and slid out careful to not expose to much of the refurnished room. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked testily, taking the bunny hybrid aback.

"Taehyung we always hang out today." The other frowned at his hyung's behavior.

Taehyung shrugged, "I don't think I can today, Jungkook."

"Why?" His innocent eyes widened curiously.

"I'm just a little busy."

"Oh I see," Jungkook's innocent look was quickly replace with one of mischief, "Hobi hyung told me that you had a new pet, a human one."

Taehyung's frown increased. Dammit that Jung Hoseok! Taehyung prayed he hadn't been blabbering his mouth all over the city.

"What else did he tell you?" he questioned.

Jungkook wriggled his eyebrows and said, "That she was really hot and you are really over protective of her."

Taehyung clenched his fists. He thought Y/n was beautiful, correction, he knew she was, but that didn't mean he liked other men to acknowledge that obvious fact.

"Yeah, well, I AM in fact, busy with her. So what?" He challenged, he could feel a slight growl form at the back of his throat.

"Whoa whoa whoa, relax hyung," Jungkook knew his friend well and he didn't want to have his throat torn out, "I actually just came so I could meet her, not take her from you."

That idea didn't settle well with Taehyung either. Remembering how afraid his kitten was of other hybrids, he didn't want to introduce her to any new ones just yet, not even his harmless, prey friend, Jungkook.

"Maybe some other time." Taehyung draped his arm across his friend's shoulders in an attempt to lead him to the exit. He usually was a lot more friendly and welcoming, but when it cam to Y/n he was completely different towards others.

"Hmm okay," sighed Jungkook taking a few steps only to shove Taehyung back and run into Y/n's room slamming the door behind him.

"NO JUNGKOOK!" Shouted Taehyung and charged in after him. He saw his friend eagerly bouncing around the trembling female, but Jungkook didn't seem to notice her uneasiness.

" Hi, I'm Jungkook! I'm a bunny! What's your name? You're really pretty! Are you my noona? Do you like video games? I love them! Do you wanna be friends? Taehyung is really mean to me!"

Taehyung walked up and smacked the back of Jungkook's head.

"Ow." He groaned.


"Why are you shouting at him?" whispered a soft female voice. Taehyung turned to see his little kitten looking at him with her shining eyes.

"He was scaring you." Responded Taehyung. Y/n shook her head.

"He just surprised me. That's all." She defended.

"Thank you." Said Jungkook still rubbing his head and glaring at Taehyung.

"Besides, any friend of yours must be nice, right?" Y/n giggled then turned to the bunny boy, "My name is Y/n."

"Nice to meet you, Y/n! Wanna play some games with me?" He asked eagerly as he adjusted his glasses.


Jungkook quickly grabbed Y/n's hand and began pulling her out of the room. Taehyung, who had just been watching the whole thing unfold, felt a little ignored. It only fueled the fire when Jungkook held Y/n's hand and she went with the bunny without even a second glance to him. It irked him that she was already so comfortable with Jungkook. He expected her to come running into his arms for protection, which he would happily give and send Jungkook away. But that was the exact opposite of what happened and now he's the third wheel in his own home. It irked him very much. 

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