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"W-what are you talking about?" Taehyung stuttered, playing dumb hoping she wouldn't ask anymore about his obvious boner.

Fortunately for him, she wasn't talking about that. When he brought his eyes to look up at her, he saw the human girl pointing outside the window. He craned his neck so he could look at what his little kitten was referring to. He recognized the large, white circular building and frowned.

"Oh that's just the arena."

"What's that?" Y/n asked curiously

"Well," Taehyung thought about what might be the best way to explain it to Y/n that won't result in her thinking that hybrids are terrible monsters more than she already does. 

"It's kind of a cultural thing," he explained, "Animal culture at least. Whenever someone commits a crime there is one major factor that determines how and how badly they get punished. There are three categories for hybrids: prey, predators, and dominants."

"Interesting." Y/n muttered. Taehyung continued.

"Prey covers bunny hybrids, mouse hybrids, and everything else that is prey in the animal kingdom. Predators are for higher up things like cats, dogs, foxes things like that. Dominants is the category for predators that are considered more superior."


"Yes, like lions, wolves, bears, and um tigers," Taehyung said that part lowly, trying not to sound like he was bragging, but Y/n caught it.

"You are a tiger. Is that why you have all that money and everyone is afraid of you?" She asked bluntly

"What makes you say that? Are you afraid of me?" Taehyung didn't know where she could have seen other hybrids cowering in fear at his presence. She had only been to one place and there wasn't much of that going on. He saw Y/n laugh.

"No, silly. I'm not afraid of you. But the way those maids and butlers acted when you walked by when we were going to the car told me everything." said Y/n

Taehyung nodded, remembering the way his servants treat him. Like a god. But in the animal kingdom that's pretty much what he is, right? As he listened to Y/n prattle off questions about hybrid life and such, he couldn't help but think how wonderful a goddess Y/n would be.

"So what happens in the arena?" She asked curiously.

"Well," he sighed wondering if he should tell her the harsh truth, "we hunt each other. Either as punishment or for entertainment. Inside the arena there is a simulation of a rain forest, around it are seats above ground to see into it. If a prey commits a crime, then a predator will be selected to hunt them down in a big game of hide and seek. And if a predator commits a crime, then a dominant will be selected to do the same, hunt them down in the arena. But when specific punishments aren't being carried out, it acts as a prison where predators and dominants can freely hunt and eliminate as many prisoners that are let loose throughout the simulation.

"What happens when they catch them?"

"They will be killed. The arena acts as a way to channel our natural animal instincts, for better or worse." Taehyung observed his young companion's face after being honest. Y/n's little nose was scrunched up as she was deep in thought with a solemn look. The he was asked the question he was dreading the most.   

"Do you ever hunt in the arena?"

Taehyung looked at her in silence for a moment, but the quiet pause was all Y/n needed in order to draw the accurate conclusion. 

"It's okay, Taehyung," she smiled sadly, "You can tell me."

Taehyung felt his eyes start to water as his ears laid flat against his head. He was ashamed and he couldn't avoid the wave of emotion that hit him right then.

"I-I can't help it, Y/n," he sobbed, "A dominants instincts are a lot stronger and a lot harder to control than a prey or predators. Sometimes in order to keep from attacking my staff o-or friends I have to take it out on the ones in the arena." he choked up.

This was it. She was going to leave him. He had killed so many hybrids in that building he's pretty sure he was holding a record. Y/n was too wonderful to be exposed to things like this, but he didn't want to let her go. Suddenly, he felt a soft caressing on the top of his head.  Y/n was patting his head and scratching his ears to comfort him. Something he definitely wasn't expecting. 

"It's all right, Taehyung. I'm here." She smiled softly, "I'm not going anywhere, no matter what you did or still do. I don't fear you."


Y/n nodded. She wiped his glistening tears off his cheeks and admired his look of gratefulness. 

"I mean look," Y/n jokingly said as she pointed to the collar around her neck, "It's not like I can get far."

That lighted the mood instantly and Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle.

"That's right, kitten. I'm yours and you're mine."

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