"Got you"

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3 Weeks later...

You tossed and turned in discomfort, trying to fall back asleep, yet despite your best efforts, you just couldn't. You were seriously jealous of the tiger hybrid peacefully snoozing beside you.

Look at him, you thought bitterly, not a care in the world

You couldn't relate. The grumbling noise emitting from your gut was undeniable, but you couldn't decide whether it was because you were nauseous and needed to vomit or because you were hungry. You're stomach was currently having an epic struggle between the evil forces of nausea and the good forces of hunger.

You giggled at your weird thought. Imagining your blood cells armed with little guns fighting against each other was enough to make you smile like an idiot in the middle of the night.

Finally after feeling queasy for ten minutes you decided you'd press your luck with getting a simple midnight snack, hoping you wouldn't vomit it seconds later. Taehyung was a very light sleeper and if he heard you getting up, he would surely rush to your side and offer his services. You looked at his exhausted figure, he had been doing that for days now and hadn't even asked for an explanation. He needs his sleep now. You pressed a light kiss on his temple, then set out on your epic quest to the kitchen.

Thankfully, you were able to find the kitchen a lot quicker than you had in previous attempts and this time you did it without getting lost once. You flipped on the light switch upon entering the dark room and you felt your stomach lurch. 

That feeling you get, when you know someone is watching you, but you don't want to turn around for fear of making eye contact. Or the feeling you get when you know for sure someone is following you. The feeling you get when you walk into a random room and can immediately sense something is wrong. That was the feeling you were getting in your gut. The one that causes your brain to regress back to primal instinct triggered by a unseen enemy. At this moment, you had to choose between fight or flight.

But you chose eat. (AN: literally me though)

"It's probably nothing," you shrugged it off, "Just pregnancy brain paranoia."

But that didn't stop you from looking around the room just to make sure you didn't see anything moving in the shadows within the areas the light did not touch. Once you were sure no one was there, you still had the disturbing feeling, but that had been temporarily pushed to the side. You turned your back and began rummaging through the refrigerator. A couple times, you could've sworn you felt another presence behind you, watching you. There was nothing more you wanted to do than to run back to your room and dive into Taehyung's arms for protection. 

And you can do that, you assured yourself, after you get your sandwich hehe.

You made yourself a simple turkey sandwich and nearly ran back down the hallway to get to the bedroom. But you stopped yourself. You were being ridiculous. There's no one here but you, Taehyung, and the maids, and only one of those people were awake. You sighed and shook your head trying to think of something else as you walked back.

Your baby...

So far, you hadn't experienced anymore "episodes" like the ones Namjoon and his father witnessed and you were already in your fifth week.

"It is most dangerous for a fetus during it's fourth and six weeks, but since it's only your second week and you're already displaying concerning symptoms, there might be an even higher chance of it happening......"

You recalled the doctor's terrifying words.

You were in your fifth week, right smack dab in the middle of the fetus danger zone. But so far so good. You rubbed your hand on the small little baby bump that was starting to show. Taehyung had noticed it a couple times and pointed out how much he loves the little belly you have, oblivious to why it was there. It was actually quite comical really. Yeri had been there once and she burst out laughing when he said it. A small wistful smile spread across your face. Yeri would make a great aunt for your baby, you were sure of it. You wanted her there when the doctor determined the gender of the baby, although you were already certain it was a boy. Your mother had told you that she had this hunch that you were a girl even though no one believed her until they saw the ultrasound. You hadn't understood how that could happen, but now as an expecting mother you could. You could just sense things and if you were wrong about it being a boy, you'd be very surprised.


You turned when you heard a sudden low growl come from behind you, only to find no one was there. 

"What the hell..," you murmured glancing around nervously, the paranoid feeling returning but stronger this time. You were about to turn around and book it for the bedroom when, as if on cue, the kitchen light flickered back on.

Someone was in there.

The smart thing to do, would be go run and tell Taehyung or scream to wake everyone in the house.

Nope says you.

You grab the closest thing to you, an antique vase, and slowly crept towards the illuminated room. 

"Michael Myers, is that you?" You half called, half whispered into the kitchen as you came around the turn.


You regretted wasting your time coming in here. It was just your mind playing tricks on you, and as for the light...it happens right?

"Got you."

Before you could full recognize the vaguely familiar voice, a sharp pain in your head caused you to fall to the ground unconscious.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung, but you can't have her." 

The kidnapper bent down and scooped your limp form in his arms and carried you out the open window from which he came.

Who do you think it is?

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