Scenting and Scratching

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"We'll be there in fifteen minutes!"

"Wait but-"

Beep Beep

Taehyung sighed as he heard the other line hang up. He couldn't believe his friends were randomly dropping by at a time like this. Only two of them knew he had a human and he wasn't so sure how the others would react. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"What's wrong?" A soft, feminine voice inquired

He turned and found Y/n leaning against his ajar bedroom door. She had a look of concern on her face and it made him feel giddy knowing she was worried about him.

"Ahh nothing really, some friends of mine just decided to drop by."

He didn't fail to notice the tension that went through Y/n or the smell of fear that oozed from her body.

"W-what kind of friends?" She asked anxiously 

"Don't worry," Taehyung quickly reassured her, "They're good friends of mine. They won't try to hurt you."

Y/n only nodded, looking to the floor a bit apprehensively.

"And if they try anything," he said, getting her to look back at him, "I'll kill them."

"No, it's ok," Y/n shook her head at the idea, "I'd really like to meet your friends if they're anything like Kookie. I just don't know how I should make my first impression. That's all. I know not all hybrids like humans and they have good reasons for that."

Taehyung gestured for her to come closer and after she reached him, he engulfed her in a large hug. 

"Just be yourself Y/n," He encouraged, "I know they'll adore you, especially Jin hyung."

Y/n giggled, "Alright then, I'll take your word for it. I should go get ready then." Taehyung released her from the tight hug and let her leave the room to go to her own. Then he remembered something.

"Wait, Y/n!"

"Hmm?" She poked her head through the door once more.

"Since, you know, the guys are coming over, could I maybe um.." Taehyung stopped. He didn't know how to continue.

"Yes?" Y/n asked slightly impatient

"Could I maybe scent you?" He blurted.

At first Y/n looked confused, then a little surprised.

"Oh um yeah sure, I guess if you want." She consented.

"Thank you, now come here." Taehyung couldn't help but use his dominant tiger voice. He loved the submissive look Y/n gets when hearing it. The same she was currently wearing while taking steps, getting closer to him.

Taehyung smiled, "Don't worry, just close your eyes and relax. It won't hurt." 

He gripped her shoulders, gently but firmly, and pushed on his bed, gaining a small gasp from her. Taehyung then got on top of her and proceeded to rub his face against her neck. He smiled at the feeling of her squirming beneath him, smiling as he peppered kisses down her neck and on her collar.

You didn't know what to expect. You had heard hybrids liked to scent things and people they like or own, so you agreed because it was only in his nature.

"Um, so how does this work?" You asked. Taehyung gave you his signature smirk as if it wasn't bad enough that he had used his voice of dominance on you.

"Don't worry," he replied, "Just close your eyes and relax. It won't hurt."

You did as he said and you suddenly felt yourself get pushed onto his bed. The tiger hybrid climbed on top of you and began to nuzzle his face onto your neck and clothes, causing you to gasp. It tickled a little. The feeling of soft, quick kisses on your neck and collar took you by surprise but you quickly got used to it. You felt a little awkward just laying there like a wooden plank so you ran you fingers through his brownish blonde hair and scratched his ears. You guessed it must've felt good because he let out soft audible moans.

"Right there Y/n! Right there!" His deep voice rasped out desperately leaning more into her touch abandoning his job of scenting her.

She moved her hands faster, one stroking his hair and the other scratching his ears vigorously. Then she stopped abruptly causing the hybrid boy to whimper.

"Please don't stop!"

"Tae Tae I have to get dressed I'm still in my pajamas!" You exclaimed, "Besides, I think that's enough scenting for now." You pushed him off, careful not to hurt him and skipped to your bedroom, to find a nice outfit. You had never teased anyone like that and it felt great.

Taehyung couldn't believe it. She just left him, like this. He couldn't get the euphoric feeling of her fingers scratching his head out of his mind. He practically became putty in her hands and then she up and left. He couldn't help but pout. At least he got to finish scenting Y/n before the guys came. He had left enough of his hormonal scent to warn other hybrids of his dominant presence in her life but not enough to be seen as a mate or potential one. Thinking back, maybe he should have. Either way, it was too late now.

Ding Dong

That's them. He prayed his other friends would be able to push their past with humans behind them as well as Hobi and Jungkook had and be able to judge Y/n for what she was and not for what other humans had been. Here goes nothing.

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