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"Me?" You asked in confusion, "He wants to see me?"

"Yes, Uncle wants to see you for some reason and I don't think it would end well if we turn him down."

"Preposterous! Your Uncle is kind and understanding, at least that's what I gathered the last time we spoke. I'm sure we won't get punished if I tell him I don't want to see him at the moment."

You've been acting like a bitch all week and you knew that. God bless Taehyung for putting up with you so lovingly. But now his uncle suddenly wants to meet you again for some undisclosed reason and you honestly weren't in the mood.

"But Y/n!" Taehyung protested desperately trying to get through to you, "You inly have to stay until you two are done discussing whatever it is, then you can leave! You don't even have to stay for the luncheon if you don't want to!"

"I'm sure." You replied coldly, "But as I've already stated before I don't want to, so get off my damn case!"

Taehyung felt himself slowly start to combust. All week she had been throwing tantrums because she "wanted this" or "this wasn't perfect enough" and as much as he loved her he was tired of it. What had gotten into her anyway? She went from being sweet and lovable to being rude, crude and cantankerous. And then there was that strange smell that she emitted mixed with her own natural scent. It pissed him off to say the least, not because the smell was repulsive, as it was rather sweet. It was the fact he had no idea what it was and he added that on to the list of potential things his mate could be hiding from him.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Taehyung shouted at her in pure anger for the first time in a long time.

"I've been doing nothing but serve you on my hands and knees all week without question and you can nothing but bitch and moan! Y/n what happened to you?" 

Taehyung's ears perked up when he heard soft whimpers come from the young woman in front of him. 

"Huh? Oh! Oh no baby!"

He pulled the sobbing Y/n into his arms and tried his best to console her.

"I-I'm so sorry Y/n! I didn't mean to make you cry, honest! It's just that...well-gah!"

Taehyung felt himself be harshly shoved away by the sniveling woman.

"Is that it? You don't love me anymore, you-you stupid tiger thingy!"

What the actual fuck

Taehyung wasn't offended by the fact that the love of his life just called him a "tiger thingy", but more so appalled at the thought that she believed he no longer loved her.

"Y/n are you seriously hearing yourself right now? Do you seriously thing that?"

Y/n quit crying for a moment and shuffled in place for a brief moment.


"Okay...well then why did you say it?"

"Because I'm-uh super emotional right now and um I don't really know why."

"Maybe you're sick?" Taehyung approached the girl and felt her temperature. "You're a little warm."

"I-It's just really hot in here! There's no need to go to the doctor!" Y/n quickly interjected to which Taehyung frowned.

"But baby that could be the reason that you're-"

"In fact!" Y/n interrupted, "I think I'm feeling better. You're Uncle wanted to meet me for lunch you say? Well I think that's awfully sweet of him. Don't you think so Taehyung?"

Taehyung was now even more flabbergasted than he was before, and she has the nerve to say he has duality. He shook his head and watched as she rambled, sorting through the different outfits she could wear. 




"What the hell?"

*Time Skip*

You pulled down the sleeves to your blue sweater dress as you walked carefully towards the fancy restaurant that had apparently been rented out for the afternoon, thankful you were not showing yet. You had no idea what you'd do once your little baby bump appeared. You just decided to cross that bridge when you got there. Taehyung had reluctantly dropped you off and told you to call him if you felt sick or just wanted to leave to which you agreed. 

The Maitre'd held the door open and you walked in to see President Kim and his son, and your friend, Kim Namjoon waiting for you, already seated and ready to order.

"Namjoon!" The president addressed his son, "Pull out a chair for the lady."

Namjoon happily obliged and smiled in your direction, "Here you go."

You sat and were silent for a moment, so was everyone else.

"Allow me to address the elephant in the room," President Kim cleared his throat, "I didn't want Taehyung to be in this conversation because he has the tendency to be a bit immature. But, Y/n, I hate to impose, but...when are you and Taehyung having children?"

You choked right there on the water you had been daintily sipping.

"Why does that matter?" You gasped to which the president merely shrugged.

"It doesn't really, I suppose. I mean, Taehyung does get the rest of his father's company once he becomes a father. But that isn't the only reason." President Kim suddenly paused, then frowned.

Then he took a big whiff of the air and smiled strangly, "My my Y/n, when is yours due?"

"W-What are you talking about?" You asked coyly

"Your baby, I can smell your milk already," President Kim explained, "It's pretty obvious to hybrids when someone is pregnant." He chuckled.

"Well not to Taehyung," You muttered crossing your arms over your chest.

"Yeah," Namjoon laughed, "He can be a bit obtuse sometimes."

You then proceeded to tell them about what happened with Yeri and Jungkook and everything that followed. Especially emphasizing the fact she did not want Taehyung to know. They agreed not to tell him, but advised the same thing Yeri and Jungkook had a few days prior.

For the first time, in a long time, you felt relaxed and relieved, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off your chest. You were just sitting there trying your best to enjoy the food, but the more you tried, the more you felt this sharp pain.  

A sharp pain right inside your abdomen.

It felt different from when she was with Yeri, it felt more...


Noticing your discomfort, Namjoon asked, " Y/n, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm-"

That's when it hit tenfold.

The agonizing pain.

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