New Friends

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You took slow, cautious steps down the stairs, carefully listening to the voices downstairs.


"Where have you been?"

"There are rumors that you adopted a human girl!"

"Are they true?"

"I smell a new presence. Come out!" A voice growled suddenly.

That made you freeze. You gulped down your fear and finished descending the steps and entered the room, revealing yourself. There sat Taehyung and six others, two of which you already knew.

"Y/n," Hoseok greeted his puppy ears standing on end, "How are you?"

"Noona!" Jungkook hopped up and tackled you in a hug.

"Guys, this is Y/n, my human." Taehyung introduced us. I turned my attention to other four who were seated.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Jimin." A cat hybrid with grey ears and a tail said, "It's so nice to meet you."

 "Hello Y/n," said a man with nice dimples, "I'm Namjoon, the lion hybrid."

"And I'm Jin, the world wide handsome panther hybrid!" The one beside Namjoon butted in with a charming smile.

There was only one more left and you noticed he had been scowling at me the whole time. You all looked at him waiting for him to introduce himself but he said nothing, making it really awkward, for you at least. After a minute, Taehyung let out an annoyed sigh.

"That's Yoongi." He huffed.

"Oh ok," You glanced Yoongi's direction and tried to find out what kind of hybrid he was, "A dog hybrid or-"

"Wolf." Yoongi snapped coldly, "Alpha wolf hybrid."

You only nodded and hurriedly walked over to Taehyung, clutching his arm. You didn't need hybrid senses to tell Yoongi was getting angry by your mere presence. Yoongi's glare towards you was getting more and more murderous and you shivered in fear, when suddenly a deep growl was emitted from Taehyung. Yoongi and Taehyung had a mini stare off, as if trying to assert their dominance over the other. Taehyung must've won because within thirty seconds the alpha wolf cast his eyes downward as a sign of submission, one he obviously hated doing but did nonetheless. 

Taehyung still looked angry, "Don't you ever-"

"Let's order pizza!" Jungkook interrupted with a smile on his face. You and the others in the room had extremely grateful expressions. Bless Jungkook, you thought to yourself, as Taehyung's anger dissipated.

"Good idea, Kook." Taehyung agreed. For the nest ten minutes, the boys bantered back and forth about, first, where they should order the pizza from, then, what pizzas they wanted. You stayed silent still glued to Taehyung's side the whole time trying to avoid eye contact with with wolf hybrid who was back to glaring at you. Taehyung looked down at you.

"Do you have any preferences Y/n?"

"Huh, oh no, whatever is fine." You shook your head quickly.

"Ok, I'll go order then." Taehyung stood up and left the room to place the call, leaving you alone with the other hybrids.

"Thank you for keeping him company, Y/n," Jin said suddenly, "He could really use it."

You tilted your head, "Well I mean he has you guys too right?"

"Yes, but tigers are generally solitary creatures." said Namjoon, "Don't get me wrong, he is our friend! But unless engaged he usually tends to keep to himself."

You laughed, "Which is why you guys showed up uninvited?"

"Exactly." He and the others, except for Yoongi, joined in.

"I don't see what's so special about you." Blurted Yoongi in a pissed tone, "You're just a human and a pathetic one at that."

"Yoongi! Jin yelled ferociously grabbing the younger boy's collar,"I have no idea why you are being so rude to poor Y/n but you better stop. Because not only will Taehyung kill you, but I will as well. If she makes Taehyung happy, then shut the fuck up!"

"What's going on here?" A deep voice from behind interrupted. Taehyung came into view and joined you by your side pulling you close.

"Nothing," Jin laughed nervously, "Just showing off."

"Hmm," Taehyung frowned then looked down to you with a questioning look, "Kitten?"

"Y-Yeah, they were just showing off Taehyung." You flashed him your best smile hoping he wouldn't notice it was forced. Taehyung must've accepted it because he started talking to Jungkook about new video games he ordered, completely unaware of the tension that was still floating in the room. 

This is going to be a long night

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