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"W-What?" You gulped

"Y/n! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Taehyung pushed through the nearby crowd, "What have-," He stopped abruptly when he saw Jennie.

"Jennie!" He growled as he dashed forward and yanked you behind him.

"Taehyung I'm very happy to see you," Jennie smirked as she took slow predatory steps towards him. She stood only three centimeters in front of them leaving virtually zero space in between. For a moment, they both stared into each other's souls and bared their teeth. Then, Jennie pulled away and began walking circles around him and you.

"Don't start this Jennie!" Warned Taehyung gaining the attention of nearby crowds. 

"Y/n step back!" Yeri grabbed your arm and pulled you back behind her and Jungkook.

"I don't understand, what's happening?" You muttered under your breath, but Yeri heard you.

"Jennie is initiating the mating process." Informed Yeri much to your horror, "Taehyung has to put an end to it before his inner animal gets just as aroused as hers or else they won't be able to stop it."

"I can't believe she's trying to mark him in public," Scoffed Jungkook, "It's disgusting."

"Jennie, I rejected you a long time ago," Said Taehyung to the tigress woman still circling him, "Just accept that and move on. I didn't even give you that ring!"

"Correct!" Conceded Jennie, "It was given to me from the president on behalf of you."

"But president broke off the engagement between the two of us after I told him how much I didn't ans still don't want to mate with you. You should just throw it out the same way you've thrown out your dignity!" Taehyung snapped. Jennie growled at the insult.

By now more and more people have gathered around to see what was about to go down. You were honestly oblivious and confused about everything that was happening, but you did know one thing from what Yeri had said. That Jennie hybrid, or whatever her name was, was about to make a serious move on Taehyung.

"What's going on here?" Asked Namjoon who had seemed to have magically appeared beside you along with Jin and a resentful Yoongi.

"Jennie." Jungkook replied without even looking at his hyung, "She's trying again."

Jin let out a groan, "That girl can't take a hint."

What happened next legit surprised the hell out of you. Jennie tackled Taehyung and they started rolling on the ground. The crazed hybrid girl appeared to be trying to bite Taehyung.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! JENNIE STOP!" Roared Taehyung desperately trying to avoid her fangs.

By now the entire ballroom was gathered around the wrestling tiger hybrids. Instead of shouting, animalistic roars came from the hybrids on the ground and the ones surrounding them. The spectators were either cheering Jennie on or telling her to get off Taehyung, but no one got physically involved. That would be risky, even for dominant predators.  Taehyung managed to throw the crazed woman off of him. Namjoon took this opportunity to grab Jennie, who was now howling in anger  and frothing at the mouth. She looked ape-shit crazy. 

"What is wrong with her?" You asked to which Yeri responded,

"Taehyung's presence must've triggered her heat."

You were beyond pissed at this point, but there was nothing you could do was there? Everyone here was ten times as strong as you, even the bunny hybrids! 

"Jennie stop this." Namjoon demanded firmly.

"Never he's mine!" Jennie clawed Namjoon across the face, resulting in her release as Namjoon held his cheek in pain.


A deep, enraged voice echoed through the entire ballroom and everyone was silenced. You couldn't help but notice the fear evoked by the lion hybrid, who looked an awful lot like Namjoon, made his way to the center of the circle people had formed around the fight. 

"What is going on here?"

"President Kim I can explain!" Jennie started but was silenced by the domineering man.

"Taehyung, my boy, what happened?" He asked directing his attention to the male tiger on the floor.

"Jennie tried to mark me." He stated as he dusted himself off and made his way back to you without sparing him a glance.

President Kim looked over to the hybrid woman who was now completely calm, but looked terribly embarrassed now that her high was gone.

"Is it true that you tried to preform such a lewd act in public? And at this gala for respectable people of all places?"

"Y-Yes sir." She stuttered, "But-"

The president lifted his hand signaling her to be quiet, "I've seen and heard enough. Kim Jennie you have committed some very questionable acts in the past and have gotten away with it much to everyone's dismay, but what you tried to do to my nephew is unacceptable. You've disgraced your name enough for one day, now do us all a favor and GET OUT."

In no time, four security guards were escorting Jennie off the premises, but she didn't leave before giving you a murderous glare.

"Watch out, Y/n." I heard her whisper as she walked past you and then, was gone.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked as the crowd began to disperse. He looked extremely concerned and you just laughed.

"Ha I should be asking you that. You were the one attacked."

Taehyung smiled and pulled you into his arms, making your heart flutter. He leaned forward so that his forehead was resting against yours and replied back softly,

"I can hold my own, Kitten. You're the one she wants to kill."

"I'm fine honestly Taehyung. I don't even-"

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat behind and both of you turn to see the president waiting to have your attention.

"May I speak to your friend, Taehyung? He asked in monotone, "Privately."

Taehyung didn't even need to verbally answer because the expression on his face said it all to which the older man chuckled.

"Don't worry, I won't bite her."

"I'm not-"

"It's okay!" You interjected, "Wait for me Taehyung, okay?"

Taehyung hesitantly nodded, then watched as his uncle led his reserved partner out of the ballroom to God knows where.

But hey, 

it was his uncle, 

what's the worse that could happen?

"Right this way," President Kim said as he opened the door for you to what looked like an empty meeting room.

You were a extremely nervous because you had no idea what to say to someone of such high position. But it turns out, you didn't have to say anything. Because as soon as the President closed and locked the door, you were pushed against the wall rather forcefully.

Well now isn't this familiar 

You tried to shove him away, but you were held onto even tighter.

"Don't struggle." He warned as he dragged his hand across your thigh, "You know I underestimated your beauty by a lot. My nephew truly accepts nothing but the best. But let's forget about that for a moment, hm?"

"Let's chat, Y/n."

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