05: Ex-Boyfriend

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Jimin POV

After that special day we went back to the company as a couple. We still wanted to get to know each other a bit more until we get married. As we were going to our city, Jungkook kept hugging me and grabbing my hand. He wanted to get to know me more. "Hey Mochi? I wanna tell you about my past" I agreed that we could get to know each other a bit more since we're engaged.

"Well, as you know my father is the richest man in the city and taught me how kill when I was five. I never dated anyone cause I never had any feelings for anyone, until I met you....I was always gay and never found a guy. My mother died when I was 16. I like the color red, I Like anime and like food with flour in it. So can you tell me more about yourself Mochi?"

I smiled and said "My father is also a rich business man and you know our dad's are close friends. I learned how to kill when I was six. I'm gay. I used to have a boyfriend for about two months...."

Jungkook looked shocked "W-When did you break up?" I kissed him on the cheek "Kookie, We broke up a month ago, I broke up with him because he wasn't for me. I love you" Kookie smiled and kissed me on the lips.

1 hour later

When we arrived we were greeted by our dad's and other people we knew. Jungkook's dad ran up to us with excitement "Jungkook! Son, how was the trip? I hope you and Jimin got along well" I smiled and kissed Jimin's cheek in front of everyone which made our dad's smile. "Jimin, I'm so happy for you...." said a strange voice to me.

I knew the voice....it was my ex boyfriend Taehyung...."H-Hi tae....how's it going?" I awkwardly smiled Taehyung stood there "I'm happy you moved on Chimmy....I hope you have fun with your new Fiance...." And with that Taehyung left.

Jungkook looked at me with a confused look and my dad looked at me with a sad expression on his face. He knew that Taehyung was my ex.

A few hours later
Jungkook POV

I sat Jimin in our room and told him how he knew Taehyung. I knew Taehyung because our dad's did some business together sometimes since Taehyung's dad is also a owner of a company. "Mochi, I won't be mad...just tell me how you know Taehyung"

Jimin sighed "Taehyung is my ex boyfriend...." I didn't know what to say "Are you sure you don't love him anymore?" Jimin stood up from the bed I laid him on "I don't love him anymore. I fell deeply in love with you Kookie...I didn't feel this way about Taehyung" He then got close to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. I noticed how small he was and touched his soft blonde hair.

We looked at each other and kissed. We then laid in the bed and started making out again for 13 minutes.

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