S2 27: It's time to fight back

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"You can't be serious...."

Those were my last words until Yoongi came and got Jimin. "Come on Jimin, it's time to go" Jimin abayed but looked like he didn't want to. "Jimin, why?" Jimin looked at me then Yoongi. "Y-Yoongi could you please wait outside for just a moment?" Yoongi looked annoyed, but did so. "I have too, if I didn't he would hurt Jungkook, and I can't like with myself if the one I love gets hurt....I just, can't...."

He left me and Jin there confused about what just happened.

Jungkook POV

"Okay, Namjoon? Is everything In place?" I said in a small ear piece allowing me to talk and listen to everyone.

Jungkook + Namjoon conversation

*Jungkook, we needed more help so I got another guy to help us out, is that okay?*

"It depends on the guy"

*Well, it's Taehyung....you know....Jimin's Ex*

"It's okay, I know we can trust him"

*Okay, good, he's gonna come with you and Irene to stop Yoongi, Momo is going by herself to free the prisoners while me and Yeji go save Kai and Jin*

"Okay, remember to kill anyone that gets in your way Namjoon, and stay safe"

*Don't worry, we'll be careful*

Jungkook, Irene, and Taehyung Mission

Taehyung ran up to me and Irene looking nervous. "Hi, Jungkook, don't worry, I've been seeing someone else, I just want to do this to apologise for being a idiot" I smiled then began walking towards Yoongi's gates to take down the guards. "Irene, let's see those talents in action" Irene smirked at me. "oh, you think you can't do that? Watch me" She walked seductively towards two of Yoongi's guards while me and Taehyung watched.

"Hey boys, I'm....a little lost and I'm trying to find a club because I work there, if you help me, I'll give you anything....I don't wanna get fired" She said. Damn, she's a great actor, I thought. As soon as the men began walking towards the club with her following them she grabbed a knife from her back pocket and stabbed them both in the back, killing them.

"Tsk, idiot boys, I'm lesbian"

She walked towards me and Taehyung smiling brightly. "See? I did it" I Thanked her then we all ran inside Yoongi's Mafia. And killed all the guys that were in our way. They mostly attacked me and Taehyung because Irene was hanging on the ceiling with a wire killing them with a gun she had. I can't believe how stupid Yoongi's men were.

After we were done we ran straight towards Yoongi's office.

Jungkook, Irene, and Taehyung Mission *Complete*

Namjoon, and Yeji mission
Namjoon POV

"Okay Yeji, we have to free Jin and Kai, I think they should be around the end of the building" Yeji nodded and grabbed her laser and make a hole in the wall. We got in and around a corner was a door. We got a closer look and noticed that Kai and Jin were in that room.

"Babe! Kai! We're here!" I said. Jin and Kai turned there frowns upside down quickly. "Namjoon! Your here!" Said my boyfriend Jin. Yeji grabbed her bag of tools to open the door.

It took a few moments, but we did it. "I got it Namjoon! She said. She opened the door jently and I ran inside trying to get the chains of Jin. Kai left betrayed that I wanted to save Jin. "oh wow" he said

Yeji got the chain off Kai while I got the chain off Jin.

Namjoon, and Yeji mission *complete*

Momo's mission is in the next part, until next time! :)

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