08: Childhood Friend??

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Jungkook POV

It's been over a week since me and my Mochi's wedding, and when Taehyung admitted his feelings for Jimin while he was drunk. Our fathers have been extremely excited for us and our happiness.

Today I woke up and I saw Jimin in my arms. I love how innocent he looked and was. Whenever I see any guy staring at him I would give them a death glare. I would then find out everything about them and kill them. Jimin would sometimes see me killing the men and he would giggle.

I love the way Jimin reacts when he's jealous. It's always girls that stare at me and whenever that happened he would kiss me infront of them. The girls would look annoyed and look away. Jimin would glare at the girls as if they were making a death wish.

As I was holding onto Jimin I got up from the bed trying not to wake him up and I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After 35 minutes I got out of the bathroom. I noticed that Jimin was still fast asleep. I wondered what he would sound like if he moaned my name, or if he called me daddy.

I kissed him on the forehead and went downstairs into the kitchen. My father wanted us to have maids doing stuff, but both me and my baby decided not to have maids or cooks. We wanted our space and wanted to be independent.

I was in the kitchen making bacon and eggs when I got a phone call from a person I never thought I would see ever again.

....it was Seulgi....

Seulgi was my old childhood friend when we were kids. When we were 12 years old she and her family moved to Busan because of her dad's job. She has a boyfriend and she works at Busan as a dancer.

She even gives dance lessons to people sometimes. We used to keep in touch after she left but it didn't last. I still had her on Instagram. And kept up with what she was doing. People record her on the streets dancing her heart out.

She called me for a first time in forever. I picked up the phone and heard her voice.

"Hey, Jungkook.....You remember me right? It's Seulgi....your old friend remember? I'm sorry I hadn't kept touch with you for so long it's just that sometimes I would dance on the streets and one day a company noticed me and they put me on a contract. I am a dancer at that company and I didn't have much time to socialize...."

I was shocked at how much her voice changed. I then let out words.

"Seulgi! I missed you. I'm so happy for you! I know you couldn't keep in contact for a reason. I still remember you. how could I forget my old friend?" I said

Seulgi laughed and we started talking more.

A few minutes later I didn't notice Jimin was behind he listening to my conversation with Seulgi.

I turned around and saw Jimin looking kinda sad. "K-kookie? Who's that on the phone?" He said.

I told Seulgi that I would talk to her later and I walked towards Jimin.
"Baby, that was Seulgi. She's my childhood friend"

Jimin looked shocked
"Childhood Friend?"

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