S2 23: What might happen

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It was time for us to visit Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon to see if they knew anything about all the kidnapings.
"J-Jungkook....is this the place?" I said trying to calm down Jungkook. "Y-Yes...this is the place, let's hope they'll be useful to us" he said while walking towards the door.

As he was walking two men came up to him asking him questions. "Name?" Said one of the men to Jungkook. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, and Im here to talk to Seokjin and Namjoon for an important matter" the two men didn't move though. "Sorry sir, but they are very busy working on finding someone important" Jungkook got angry and punched one of the guys making him faint. The other one grabbed Jungkook and almost punched him until I grabbed my gun from my pocket.

"Let him go, we just want to visit Seokjin and Namjoon for a moment if you don't mind that is" the guy had no choice but to let Jungkook down. "Good, now take us to them before I do something I won't regret" He got nervous and took me and Jungkook to Seokjin and Namjoons office.

"I-In there, n-now please leave me alone" he said. "Fine, just don't let it happen again" I said. Jungkook thanked me then kicked the door to Seokjin's office. Seokjin looked surprised to see Jungkook. "J-Jungkook?.....what are you doing here? I'm busy right now?" He said. Jungkook ran up to him and pushed him to the wall. "Tell me what you know!" Jungkook began tearing up while doing so. Seokjin remained calm and gently pulled Jungkook off him.

"Jungkook, I know about the matter. I know all of those people went missing because of the abilities they have, but I have nothing to do with it" those words left Jungkook speachless.
"W-What did you just say?" He said.

Seokjin looked as us confused "You don't know?"

He looked at each other and gave a confused look at Seokjin. "All those people, have a huge chance of dieing...." We both began crying. "I guess....they took your loved ones...I have a hunch that it's Yoongi, I've seen him weeks ago talking to a man and him giving Yoongi a paper and money. He wants those abilities more than anything" he said.

Jungkook ran up to him and began talking. "Tell me! What else do you know about those abilities that my Mochi might have!" Seokjin tried to calm down Jungkook. "Jungkook.... please calm down, there's 9 different abilities each of those people have. Love, fire, water, speed, Teleportation, Invisibility, Super Strength, and Earth. Earth and Strength are the most powerful if them all. Nobody has been able to find the Strength power, but I feel like Yoongi found him....if he did...he would be able to do anything"

Jungkook got scared.

"Then tell me where he is! I don't know where he is now!" Jin looked nervous. "You can't just go, just like that. You need a plan or else you'll get you and others killed, and that's just stupid" He said. Jungkook look frustrated "Then?! What do you plan to do?" Jin walked towards his board. "We need a distraction for Yoongi, and his men. Attackers for Yoongi's men would be a good distraction, for Yoongi though....in order to take him down, we can't attack him" Jungkook yelled "What do you mean DONT ATTACK HIM?" Jin let out a sigh "Yoongi won't be easy to get ride of Jungkook, attacking is no good for him. We need....something else...."

I'm SOOO sorry I haven't updated in so long guys! School's been on my mind alot lately and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting because of my lazy ass
I love you guys and thank you guys so much for your support, I'm glad you guys don't mind waiting 💙💜

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