09: Seulgi

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Jimin POV

I woke up and noticed that Jungkook wasn't there. I thought he was just in the kitchen or something so I got up and showered. After 13 minutes I came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I noticed Jungkook on his phone.

It sounded like a girl....

I couldn't help, but overheard their conversation.

"Hey, Jungkook. Do you remember me? It's Seulgi....?

Those were the only words I heard. Jungkook started a nice conversation with her and I have to admit that I got jealous, really jealous.

It wasn't until Jungkook noticed me standing there with a blank expression. "K-Kookie? Who's that on the phone?" I said. He hung up on the woman and came up to me.

"Baby, she's my childhood friend" he said. I was shocked yet nervous about Jungkook having a childhood friend which was a woman. "Childhood friend?" I said with a sad expression.

Jungkook tried to explain. "Baby, please listen. Seulgi was my old friend from back when we were kids. She was my only friend. Her family doesn't own a company like ours do, but we got along well. She left to Busan when we were 12 years old. She has a boyfriend and I'm gay so please, don't get the wrong idea and understand."

I was thinking about Jungkook's words and understood. If she was taken. Who am I to be Jealous?

"Okay Kookie, I trust you..." I said

"Thank you Baby, She's a famous dancer in Busan and hopes to marry her boyfriend soon" Said Jungkook as he holds my hand.


I smiled at him when he realized that he left the stove on.

Jungkook ran to the stove and turned it off. "Oops, uh....I burned the food...hehe" He said.

I giggled at his reaction to burning bacon and eggs. "Don't worry kookie, we can order pizza or something"
Jungkook smiled at me "Okay, what kind would you like?"

I started thinking "Maybe pepperoni. I don't know. I haven't had pizza for so long" Jungkook ordered the pizza and we sat on the couch together and watched TV.

After 14 minutes the pizza arrived.

Arranged Marriage (Jikook FF) {{COMPLETED}}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ